Monday, December 23, 2019

The Haymarket Affair - 2094 Words

The Haymarket Affair For many, America is not just the country they happen to live in but also it is a place of freedoms, liberties and independencies and even a refuge for some people. In 1886 though, a group of people attempted to share their opinion in Haymarket Square, Chicago, which led to a dangerous riot and a series of trials with convictions and executions. Throughout the affair, innocent lives were lost, people were wrongly accused, and the judicial system was revealed as flawed. Throughout the trial, Constitutional rights were overlooked in the name of prejudice and because of fear, just to please the public. The Haymarket Affair involved a violent riot caused by overbearing police officers; it also involved unfair trials†¦show more content†¦At the close of trial proceedings, the judge informed the jury that they could find the eight accused to be guilty even if the crime was committed by someone who was not charged. He also said that it was not necessary for the state to know the i dentity of the bomber or to prove that the bomber had read any of the articles or poster of the charged anarchists. Though the judge, prosecutor, and jury can be considered misguided in their bias and actions of injustice, some of the witnesses against the accused are widely acknowledged as liars. In comparison to the eyewitnesses of the defendants, every part of their details went against those of the witnesses of the police. Though the defendants faced prejudice and discrimination, they kept on with their cases and appeals until the verdicts were determined. The attorneys of the accused were Black and Swett. Along with the allegation that Grinnell’s witnesses were lying, the defending lawyers said that none of the eight had intended for any form violence and they even offered proof that some of the accused were not even near Haymarket Square on May 4th. Furthermore along with their apparent innocence, six of the eight were not present when the bomb went off, and the two that were there, Spies and Samuel Fielden were both in plain view of the crowd and police. Despite the logic of the defendant’s case, passion and prejudice led the jury to conclude that the bombing was a direct result of a deliberate conspiracy. On August 20,Show MoreRelatedThe Gilded Age : Fear Of Reform1351 Words   |  6 Pages Finnley Maier Hist 423 Death in Haymarket: Fear of Reform in the Gilded Age The Gilded Age was an important time in America’s development. Chicago was a zeitgeist for the Gilded Age, with railroads flowing in and out from all over the country; its no wonder Chicago became a hub for both economic productivity and turmoil. It was a period of both prosperity and poverty. The Gilded Age was marred by tensions over the wealth gap, political corruptionRead MoreCivil Railroad Strike : The Pullman Strike976 Words   |  4 PagesHomestead strike inspired many workers, but it also revealed how difficult it was for any union to win against the combined power of the corporation and the government. Haymarket Affair: The Haymarket affair (also known as the Haymarket Massacre or Haymarket riot) was a bombing at a labor strike on Tuesday May 4, 1886, at Haymarket Square in Chicago. A bomb was thrown at some policemen trying to disperse the labor rally. The police acted and shot into the crowd, killing several people in the crowdRead MoreLabor Unions in the Late 1800s Essay820 Words   |  4 Pageseight-hour workday, ridiculously low pay and unfair company town practices were often the fuses that lit explosive conflicts between unions and monopolistic industrialists. Some of the most violent and important conflicts of the time were the Haymarket Affair and the Pullman strike. Each set out to with similar goals and both ended with horrifying consequences. The movement for the eight-hour workday was one of the most violent struggles for laborers. Their struggle is defined by protests that wereRead MoreVictorianism And Anti Victorianism At War1188 Words   |  5 Pagessystem had failed. The tensions were finally manifested in a series of strikes with a violent ending. The Haymarket uprising in 1876 was a tragic affair that influenced the labor history ever since. On Chicago’s’ Haymarket square, a bomb was thrown towards the crowd during a peaceful strike against the police violence of killing 4 workmen for going strike on the previous day. The notorious affair was brought to an end in an unfair way against the strikers. According to Mother Jones, â€Å"only those whoRead MoreDivisions Within Trade Unions And The United End Of The 19th Century1153 Words   |  5 Pagesunions as violent and aggressive. This was due to the poor reputation they had created for themselves. A major turning point which caused this reactionary attitude was the Haymarket affair in 1886. A strike at the McCormick Harvester Plant, Chicago, led to 4 workers being killed by the police. This then led to a protest rally in Haymarket Square were a bomb was thrown killing 7 policemen. The violence was blamed on German Anarchists who were a threat to the â€Å"American dream†. American society believed thatRead MoreTerrorism And Domestic Terrorism836 Words   |  4 Pagesin the perpetrator’s own country against their fellow citizens†. Throughout the years, America as a nation has experienced quite a few occurrences of both types. An early example of homegrown terrorism would be the Haymarket Affair which occurred May 4, 1886 where in Chicago’s Haymarket Square, labor protesters detonated a bomb during a rally. Chicago police then responded by firing into the crowd, killing 12 people. A later occurrence of domestic terrorism would be the U.S Senate Bombing on NovemberRead More The Triangle Fire Essay1186 Words   |  5 Pagesworkers were not escape the burning building because the managers locked the doors to the stairwells and exits to enable the workers from leaving early or taking breaks. The Triangle Fire refers to the Gilded Age because the Homestead Strike, Haymarket Affair, and the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire all correlate to how these events exemplify the unfair conditions these workers had face in the industrial work. Many immigrant women went to New York for industrial work in hope of serving their familiesRead MoreInventions In The Gilded Age1140 Words   |  5 Pages having no benefits, and absolutely no contracts. Labor unions were formed to protect American rights. With the Pullman Strike, there was the American Railroad Union (ARU), which was led by Eugene Debs. The Haymarket Affair was formed by McCormick Harvester (Company), with that the Haymarket Square was put together by labor radicals to protest the killing and wounding of several workers by the Chicago police. During a strike the day before these things were occurring at McCormick Reaper Works. MotherRead MoreAnarchism in the Early American Labor Movement2060 Words   |  9 Pagesothers, al l of them notable for their radical views and their contributions to American labor. Albert Parsons might best be known for his martyrdom for the cause of the American labor struggle, having been sentenced to death following the 1886 Haymarket Affair. Throughout his short life following the Civil War and his participation in politics, he was in strong opposition to the federal law at the time which favored corporate interest. He was particularly opposed to the 8-hour workday, which he feltRead MoreImportant Factors Leading to the Gilded Age Essay1749 Words   |  7 Pagesprotesting for eight hour days until suddenly dynamite was thrown at the police and killed or injured dozens of people due to the blast and ensuing fire; this became known as the Haymarket Square affair and inappropriately associated the Knights of Labor with anarchists. The Knights began to wither after the Haymarket affair partly due to the public image and also because of the inclusion of skilled and unskilled laborers. Skilled workers tired of being held back from their unskilled brethren b roke

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Deception Point Page 27 Free Essays

The gaping hole in the ice now looked like a small swimming pool in the middle of the habisphere. The surface of the two-hundred-foot-deep pool of melted water sloshed for a while against the icy walls of the shaft and then finally grew calm. The waterline in the shaft was a good four feet beneath the glacier’s surface, the discrepancy caused by both the removal of the meteorite’s mass and ice’s property of shrinking as it melts. We will write a custom essay sample on Deception Point Page 27 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Norah Mangor immediately set up SHABA pylons all around the hole. Although the hole was clearly visible, any curious soul who ventured too close and accidentally slipped in would be in dire jeopardy. The walls of the shaft were solid ice, with no footholds, and climbing out unassisted would be impossible. Lawrence Ekstrom came padding across the ice toward them. He moved directly to Norah Mangor and shook her hand firmly. â€Å"Well done, Dr. Mangor.† â€Å"I’ll expect lots of praise in print,† Norah replied. â€Å"You’ll get it.† The administrator turned now to Rachel. He looked happier, relieved. â€Å"So, Ms. Sexton, is the professional skeptic convinced?† Rachel couldn’t help but smile. â€Å"Stunned is more like it.† â€Å"Good. Then follow me.† Rachel followed the administrator across the habisphere to a large metal box that resembled an industrial shipping container. The box was painted with military camouflage patterns and stenciled letters: P-S-C. â€Å"You’ll call the President from in here,† Ekstrom said. Portable Secure Comm, Rachel thought. These mobile communications booths were standard battlefield installations, although Rachel had never expected to see one used as part of a peacetime NASA mission. Then again, Administrator Ekstrom’s background was the Pentagon, so he certainly had access to toys like this. From the stern faces on the two armed guards watching over the PSC, Rachel got the distinct impression that contact with the outside world was made only with express consent from Administrator Ekstrom. Looks like I’m not the only one who is off-the-grid. Ekstrom spoke briefly with one of the guards outside the trailer and then returned to Rachel. â€Å"Good luck,† he said. Then he left. A guard rapped on the trailer door, and it opened from within. A technician emerged and motioned for Rachel to enter. She followed him in. The inside of the PSC was dark and stuffy. In the bluish glow of the lone computer monitor, Rachel could make out racks of telephone gear, radios, and satellite telecommunications devices. She already felt claustrophobic. The air inside was bitter, like a basement in winter. â€Å"Sit here, please, Ms. Sexton.† The technician produced a rolling stool and positioned Rachel in front of a flat-screen monitor. He arranged a microphone in front of her and placed a bulky pair of AKG headphones on her head. Checking a logbook of encryption passwords, the technician typed a long series of keys on a nearby device. A timer materialized on the screen in front of Rachel. 00:60 SECONDS The technician gave a satisfied nod as the timer began to count down. â€Å"One minute until connection.† He turned and left, slamming the door behind him. Rachel could hear the bolt lock outside. Great. As she waited in the dark, watching the sixty-second clock slowly count down, she realized that this was the first moment of privacy she’d had since early that morning. She’d woken up today without the slightest inkling of what lay ahead. Extraterrestrial life. As of today, the most popular modern myth of all time was no longer a myth. Rachel was just now starting to sense how truly devastating this meteorite would be to her father’s campaign. Although NASA funding had no business being on a political par with abortion rights, welfare, and health care, her father had made it an issue. Now it was going to blow up in his face. Within hours, Americans would feel the thrill of a NASA triumph all over again. There would be teary-eyed dreamers. Slack-jawed scientists. Children’s imaginations running free. Issues of dollars and cents would fade away as petty, overshadowed by this monumental moment. The President would emerge like a phoenix, transforming himself into a hero, while in the midst of the celebration, the businesslike senator would suddenly appear small-minded, a penny-pinching Scrooge with no American sense of adventure. The computer beeped, and Rachel glanced up. 00:05 SECONDS The screen in front of her flickered suddenly, and a blurry image of the White House seal materialized on-screen. After a moment, the image dissolved into the face of President Herney. â€Å"Hello, Rachel,† he said, a mischievous glint in his eye. â€Å"I trust you’ve had an interesting afternoon?† 29 The office of Senator Sedgewick Sexton was located in the Philip A. Hart Senate Office Building on C Street to the northeast of the Capitol. The building was a neo-modern grid of white rectangles that critics claimed looked more like a prison than an office building. Many who worked there felt the same. On the third floor, Gabrielle Ashe’s long legs paced briskly back and forth in front of her computer terminal. On the screen was a new e-mail message. She was not sure what to make of it. The first two lines read: SEDGEWICK WAS IMPRESSIVE ON CNN. I HAVE MORE INFORMATION FOR YOU. Gabrielle had been receiving messages like this for the last couple of weeks. The return address was bogus, although she’d been able to track it to a â€Å"† domain. It seemed her mysterious informant was a White House insider, and whoever it was had become Gabrielle’s source for all kinds of valuable political information recently, including the news of a covert meeting between the NASA administrator and the President. Gabrielle had been leery of the e-mails at first, but when she checked out the tips, she was amazed to find the information consistently accurate and helpful-classified information on NASA overexpenditures, costly upcoming missions, data showing that NASA’s search for extraterrestrial life was grossly overfunded and pathetically unproductive, even internal opinion polls warning that NASA was the issue turning voters away from the President. To enhance her perceived value to the senator, Gabrielle had not informed him she was receiving unsolicited e-mail help from inside the White House. Instead, she simply passed the information to him as coming from â€Å"one of her sources.† Sexton was always appreciative and seemed to know better than to ask who her source was. She could tell he suspected Gabrielle was doing sexual favors. Troublingly, it didn’t seem to bother him in the least. Gabrielle stopped pacing and looked again at the newly arrived message. The connotations of all the e-mails were clear: Someone inside the White House wanted Senator Sexton to win this election and was helping him do it by aiding his attack against NASA. But who? And why? A rat from a sinking ship, Gabrielle decided. In Washington it was not at all uncommon for a White House employee, fearing his President was about to be ousted from office, to offer quiet favors to the apparent successor in hopes of securing power or another position after the changeover. It seemed someone smelled Sexton victory and was buying stock early. The message currently on Gabrielle’s screen made her nervous. It was like none other she had ever received. The first two lines didn’t bother her so much. It was the last two: EAST APPOINTMENT GATE, 4:30 P.M. COME ALONE. Her informant had never before asked to meet in person. Even so, Gabrielle would have expected a more subtle location for a face-to-face meeting. East Appointment Gate? Only one East Appointment Gate existed in Washington, as far as she knew. Outside the White House? Is this some kind of joke? Gabrielle knew she could not respond via e-mail; her messages were always bounced back as undeliverable. Her correspondent’s account was anonymous. Not surprising. How to cite Deception Point Page 27, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Conflict in Lord of the Flies free essay sample

It is quite clear that conflict can trigger many emotions in a human. Conflict has a direct influence on the human mind and the way that people act. Written by William Golding, Lord of the Flies is a perfect example of how peoples’ decisions are influenced by a source of conflict. Different types of conflict push different significant events in the novel. External conflict tears the boys’ unity apart. Fear of the ‘beastie:’ evolves from internal conflict, and physical conflict worsens as the story progresses, creating a dangerous environment on the island. What appears as a democratic, organized government, soon turns into unorganized chaos. The chaos and incoordination was a result of external conflict. The collapse of the government and the boys’ unity can be hinted halfway through the novel. Ralph calls an assembly and says, â€Å"Things are breaking up. I don’t understand why. We began well; we were happy. And then-† (115). This quote describes how the boys’ efforts in keeping the atmosphere of the island civilized is influenced by a source of external conflict. In this case, the external conflict is what they believe to be the beastie.The boys begin to diverge when Jack and Ralph share their opinions on what they believe is more important, hunting the beastie or fire. Jack expresses his opinion on how important hunting is and says, â€Å"I’m going off by myself. He can catch his own pigs. Anyone who wants to hunt when I do can come too. †(183). This occurs when you can see the two tribes beginning to form. After jack hunts a pig, they boys realize that Jack is right all along and decide to join his feast. Now the boys are completely separated. There are two distinct tribes; Ralphs’ tribe and Jacks’ tribe.This source of external conflict (the beastie) is extremely significant to the story because the beastie is what caused the boys to split into two tribes. The tribe that feeds its’ hunger off of savagery, and the tribe that maintains its civilization, and acts sensibly. It creates an irrational atmosphere among Jacks’ tribe, and a sense of awareness upon Ralphs’ tribe. Internal conflict is what creates the irrational fear of the beastie. Internal conflict changes the boys’ mindset and causes them to think illogically. This internal conflict is what keeps the boys up at night, and what breaks their unity.It’s a fragment of their imagination; it’s a dead pilot. What started as a ‘snake thing’ evolves into a ‘ghost’, and then becomes a ‘monster’. The beastie washes away their sanity and becomes their worst nightmare. It is the thing they fear the most on the island. The boys’ image of the beast becomes worse, and worse. At the beginning the beastie is described as, â€Å"A snake-thing. Ever so big†(48) and towards the end, â€Å"The beast had teeth. and big black eyes. †(178). This contrast shows how the depth of their internal conflict grew. Internal conflict between them and the beastie is requited.The beastie influences their actions, and they influence the beasties’ image. For instance, as the boys’ fear of the beastie become more irrational, so does their image of the beastie. Perhaps the boys enjoy the beasties company, and perhaps it feeds their hunger for savagery. Internal conflict is always complex to comprehend, but one thing for certain is that it has an influence on the boys’ behaviour. There are several examples of physical conflict in Lord of The Flies. The physical conflict seems to correlate with the boys’ image of the beastie.As the boys’ image of the beastie becomes more farfetched, the physical conflict worsens. A physical conflict seen near the beginning of the story is the boys’ re-enactment of the pig hunt. Simon is in the middle, and is used as the pig. What started out as a fun game, almost gets Simon killed. This is the first event in the novel in which savagery can be truly seen among the boys. The next major conflict took place on the beach. The two tribes, now being separated, have a feast together. When they hear something in the bushes while chanting in a circle, they immediately think it’s the beastie and tear him apart.The beast is described as small, and â€Å"was on its knees in the center, its arms folded over its face. It was crying out against the abominable noise something about a body on the hill. The beast struggled forward, broke the ring and fell over the steep edge of the rock to the sand by the water. At once the crowd surged after it, poured down the rock, leapt on to the beast, screamed, struck, bit, tore. There were no words, and no movements but the tearing of teeth and claws† (219). While this scene took place, it was dark and loud. Considering the circumstances of this event, the event itself can be considered as an accident.The next physical conflict which took place involves death, but not accidental death. It was Piggys’ murder . This took place while Ralph and Jack were duelling. This event is significant because now that Simon and Piggy are dead, Ralph is the only character left with a sense of civilization. Now Ralph is the only character who hasn’t conformed, and cares about getting rescued. Physical conflict clearly escalates when humans are deprived of their basic needs. At first Simon is injured, then he is killed, and towards the end, Piggy is murdered.The escalation of physical conflict can clearly be seen in this chronological scheme of events. The longer the boys have been on the island for, the more the physical conflict grew. As seen in the novel, conflict has a great impact on the plot of this story. Different conflicts push different events. In this novel, Lord of the Flies, conflict lead to the breakdown of the boys’ government, irrational fear of the beastie, and Piggys’ murder. William Golding has flawlessly displayed what conflict can do the human mind. Conflict in Lord of the Flies. Amanda El-Beheisi Eng2D

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Richard Branson Essay Example

Richard Branson Paper Richard used management skills, management challenges, and the management process, (planning, organizing, leading, and controlling) every day to insure his accomplishments. Management skills consist of three skills: technical skills, human skills, and conceptual skills. Technical skills are the ability to performance at tasks with expertise. Human skills are the ability to work well with others. A conceptual skill is the ability to think analytically and solve complex problems. Managerial competency is skill-based capability for high performance in a management job using communication, teamwork, self-management, leadership, critical thinking, and professionalism. Brannon as successful because he understood the management principles and took full advantage Of lifelong learning in all aspects Of our daily experience and job opportunities His organization is working on flat and non-hierarchical structure which is made of clusters, and given the flexibility to work independently without much interference (Drove 2007). These factors clearly show that his form of leadership is of much more democratic and participative nature. Position power he proves to be dominant thinker, and generally makes decision by himself. Brannon has strong contingency and situational leadership skills too. He has always looked for and uses every opportunity to create a new company to be viable. He is quite capable of controlling situations and also a high risk taker. This reflects the most dominate theory of leadership today i. E. Situational theories. We will write a custom essay sample on Richard Branson specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Richard Branson specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Richard Branson specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer He follows different leadership styles and technicians according to the situation. This has been one of the most important features of Richard Abrasions leadership (Durbin, Dahlias Miller, 2006). He also shows the ability to implement changes quickly. For example: Virgin Cola in the Ignited States changed its strategy, management and location of its t-drinks business tit emphasis on the theme New Age beverages like fruit juices and energy drinks, when he saw no prospect in the war against the Coca-Cola and Pepsi- Cola in the Cola Business (Drove 2007). His values and goals are the driving force of the whole corporation. His philosophy is to put his employees first, his customers second, his investors third and in the end, everyone will be happy. One of the ways he does this is through his sense of equality and fairness in how he treats people and by promoting flat, non-hierarchical structure to run his businesses (Grant, 2005). Richard Brannon style of draperies is best summarized as a transformational approach (Lousier Cache, 2009). Brannon has also been labeled as a transformational leader for his individualist strategies and his stress on the Virgin Group as an organization driven on informality and information, one thats bottom heavy rather than strangled by top-level management. Transformational leadership is a style of leadership that occurs when leaders broaden and elevate the interests of their people, when they generate awareness and acceptance of the purposes and mission of their group, and when they stir their people to kook beyond self-interest for the good of the group. The Virgin Group is a company that provides consistent and unique customer experience. It is fun, maintains quality, competent, creates value through innovation, and promotes social responsibility. Virgin is a powerful brand that is loved by its customers and respected by its employees. Richard Brannon instills his own values into the company to make it focused on branding and the customer experience. They consist of eccentricity, fun, innovation, commitment to employees and customers and contempt of authority and hierarchy. There are over 200 companies under the Virgin Group, but there is a clear, focused message that it broadcasts to its customers. The Virgin Group stands for value for money, quality, innovation, fun and a sense Of competitive challenge. The Virgin Group strives to achieve this by empowering employees to continually deliver an unbeatable customer experience. Brannon set up the Virgin Group to be independent companies, meaning when they entered a market, the company becomes its own entity and must stand on its own two feet. Independent managers under Virgin are able to make quick decision without approval from the CEO improving speed, immunization and elevating employee level of the responsibility. Employees have a stake in their success. They feel -and are crucial to their company because they are one-in-fifty or one-in-a-hundred instead of one-in- tens-of-thousands (Grant, 2005). This style of management sets the tone for how employees feel working for Virgin, which makes this management style a success for the company. Due to the flat structure of management that Brannon encourages, it translates to higher employee and customer satisfaction. The Virgin Experience is the cultural value that Brannon utilizes o his commitment to customer satisfaction. He wants to create the best customer experience possible and so he sacrifices short-term profits for this long-term goal. Running a successful company full of high achievers and model employees is what Richard Brannon dreamt of. Staffing a group of individuals who respect development, protection Of natural environment, and protection Of human rights in all aspects of society, in employment leads to career involvements. Richard Brannon gives his employees the freedom to get creative, to come up with their own ideas and run with them. He particularly emphasized, to give a whole new life purpose to all the people who work in your company. Long-term sustainable happens when employees discover their own power. If you can motivate your people, use their creative potential, you can get through bad times and you can enjoy the good times together. If your employees are happy and smiling and enjoying their work, they will perform well. Consequently, the customers will enjoy their experience With your company. There are many positives, but crucially, employees retained responsibility for their own projects and were not hampered by internal red ape and bureaucracy. Give your employees the freedom to get creative, to come up with their own ideas and run with them. Another way that Richard Brannon motivates his employees is with drive and foresight. Enthusiastic team members will be your best assets, so if career advancement is an employees goal, look at the opportunities for stretch projects that can provided; if building technical skills is what another wants, consider what sort of training he/she can learn on the job; if work-life balance is another persons focus, find out what his or her needs are and try o accommodate them. Then keep in touch with your employees and discuss how theyre progressing, because youll need to readjust this plan as they attain their goals and choose new ones. Foresight is important in business: Dont wait until an employee comes to you and says hes ready to leave before you Start thinking about what his goals are and what keeps him/her happy. This should be part of your hiring decision. Before you make a prospect a job offer, be sure to consider how his plans for his career fit. The trick is to ensure that your staff feels empowered. As your team members grow into their jobs, give them real responsibilities: Theyll respect you for it and do everything they can to rise to the challenge. Richard Brannon has the ability to communicate and install his vision towards his employees and the stakeholders. He shares his passion and his enthusiasm with everyone. Employees are attracted to business leaders who are genuinely excited about their business. Many in leadership roles have a great passion for their work, but tend to hide it. He articulates a compelling vision for everyone. Employees and stakeholders feels as if they re sailing on rudderless ship when management fails to communicate their vision for the company. By engaging employees and stakeholders in the companys vision, he created an employee and stakeholder base which is exciting for the future and one that looks forward to growing with the company. Mr.. Brannon invites participation from everyone. He wants everyones input and opinion on anything and everything. Good leaders are good listeners, but great leaders go one step further; they actively solicit input from their employees. Richard Brannon has an Open door policy in which he wants everyone to commit to an pen and honest communication. Good news or bad, open and honest communication with your employees makes them feel valued. It goes a long way towards building a trusting relationship between employees and management. Richard Brannon praises his employees and stakeholders who works hard, who is deserving and he provides great feedback and his company shows great achievement under his leadership. If, Richard Brannon offered me a managers position to work at the Virgin Group, would accept it. Why? His leadership style fits perfectly for me. I have previous managers experience. Richard is a good listener, he allows his managers to have input and to have open communication. Richard Brannon allows his managers to use the concept of innovation to inspire the employees to contribute to the company at all levels, rather than just doing what they are told. Employees can contribute to the cutting edge products that the company creates as well as look for new ways to increase the overall efficiency of the company. The Virgin Group has been able to create a management style that encourages employees to be competitive. This also gives people the desire to see the company succeed in order to be a nutrition to a fresh and creative business model. Transformational leadership comes from the top managers and executives within the company. Richard Brannon along with other company executives have set many common goals for the company to achieve as a whole. These ambitious goals include expansion into international markets, utilization of new technology, loyalty among customers, and joint ventures with other companies. Goals of this level are voiced to all people involved with the company. This has a benefit to the company by giving everybody involved a challenging mission to accomplish. The highest level of management encourages employees to use their skills in a way that will best compliment the company. The idea behind this is to promote the philosophy that the overall benefit of the company will lead to individual benefits for each person involved. Group contribution will eventually lead to rewards for executives, managers, employees, shareholders, and customers alike. Leadership is encouraged among managers, but it often takes strict management to get the job done. Each management function varies within the different divisions in the company. Managers at the Virgin Group have a wide range of goals to pursue. Because each division within the company varies in its specialization it takes well trained managers to run it effectively. Managers hired by the company tend to have a solid background in their area of specialization. They also need to have a history of proven management experience to be considered for a position. Ultimately, managers within the Virgin Group deal with managing the day to day tasks required to keep their division running efficiently. Richard Brannon creates a winning team of managers. He creates at the eighties level of managers to succeed at every level within the company to ensure that each division has specific goals and the steps needed to complete each goal. A high level of organization is needed at all levels of the operation. For example, each division needs to organize their management structure. This is often done by trial and error to determine the most efficient ratio of managers to non-managers. When the proper determination is made the company can organize its management structure in order to meet the highest level of efficiency. His leadership dynamics are terrific. He is a very vocal and lamentably leader. His mission is to inspire those who work below him to work to the best of their abilities for the good of the company. He often pushes his belief that by contributing to the good of the company it will increase the rewards for everybody involved. He has stated that he tries to bring the best out of people and does this for workers at the lowest levels as well as the top ranking executives. His philosophy is to encourage to all managers within the company. Management is expected to embrace this principle and pass it on to the employees that they are managing. His draperies style tends to give people a high level of freedom in their work. Freedom gives them direction in their work and then let them take control of the situation there after. Freedom in their work allows them to excel without the need for micromanagement. The Virgin Group believes that employees should have a certain amount of freedom to make choices for the good of the organization. It is this freedom and decision making that has the potential to bring out the best in an employee. So, yes I would have accepted the job offer from the Virgin Group and shook hands with the CEO Richard Brannon and embraced honor and intelligence to him. The company in which he has created has a unique management formula that has contributed to the long term success of the company. Although there is a clear distinction between management and leadership, the company has been able to integrate a blend of each in many aspects of the business. The transformational leadership has proved to be a valuable tool for executives, managers, and workers alike. Employees within the company have a willingness to work together to expand and improve the company in order to reach their own personal success in life. Richard Brannon is a global leader. He is a billionaire. He is an entrepreneur. He is one of the most successful and admired business leaders in the world. He shows a great example of how entrepreneurs can figure out what the customer really needs thats different from conventional thinking. He has created a company that does business all over the world, from the UK to emerging markets like Chile and Brazil. He goes where the growth is. He goes after big brands where there is a big gap in the market or where old competitors no longer deliver a great customer service. He has strong draperies skills which is an essential key in the success for a global company. Brannon wanted to expand the global presence even further by participating in joint-venture agreements in telecommunications with China. By incorporating their reputation into the foreign market, the exposure to an untapped market or competitive market, an organization is able to branch out with ideas that will produce additional profits. Corporate leadership in global business becomes even more complex when companies enter into other markets (Dresser, 2011 Motivating his employees an international call was a challenge that Brannon was able to overcome with his leadership skills. He was able to understand that the organizational skills needed to be adaptable to the local cultures which meant that the strategies needed to be altered when appropriate. Leadership is setting a new direction or vision for a group that they follow; management controls or directs people/resources in a group according to principles or values that have already been established. Being able to work and deal with people in an international environment is a task that Richard Brannon accomplished because he was able to handle the ask at hand. Over the next five years, Richard Brannon will not only sustain success, but will achieve greater success. He has already laid out the foundation of the company to continue to succeed thereafter. The company continues to create more business ventures. Invest in more job opportunities for future employment. More experience, better culture, more freedom for employees to become future entrepreneurs for themselves. His success in one area, tends to leads to success in other fields. He has built up an extensive network of relationships, and now entrepreneurs and companies often approach us with ideas for partnerships that will help them to start a new business, or to attract new customers. The company relies on experience and their own reaction to a prospective product or service to decide whether or not to go ahead with the launch Of a new company or partnership. His teams also use data about economic, consumer and population trends to evaluate the consumer experience and assess potential opportunities. Right now they are looking at entering a number of sectors for potential expansion. Richard Brannon will have sustainability within the company and continue to expand, innovate and motivate his leaders to become better entrepreneurs.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Reasons for surfing the internet

Reasons for surfing the internet The term ‘surfing the internet’ was invented because of people’s behavior of randomly roaming from one website to another. Internet surfing essentially involves causal clicking of different web links one after the other in search of similar or related information. As such, it is important to note that internet surfing was only possible after the invention of the World Wide Web.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Reasons for surfing the internet specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Given the vast information that is currently available on the internet, most people especially the young adults have found themselves being addicted to internet surfing. However, it should be noted people surf the internet reasons. This paper is therefore an in-depth analysis of the various reasons that make people surf the internet. Since the invention of the internet, it is agreeable that it is one of the most important innov ations to be made by man. This is because of the many benefits it has proved to have to people of all generations. The list of things that can be done on the internet is endless. First of all, the young adults most of who comprise of students normally surf the internet for educational information, corresponding via electronic mails, chatting with their distant friends and downloading music and applications among other uses (Himanshu 1). Through surfing the internet, the young adults/ students have been able to share information with their colleagues by creating their own websites that show their interests. Internet surfing has also made it possible for people to share memories via videos and pictures. Students have also had the privilege of attending online classes through internet surfing without having to physically move from their homes. This has had the benefit of helping students overcome geographical boundaries and be able to study at educational institutions of their choice. The other reason that the young adults and students surf the internet is to reconnect with their old and current friends through social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace just to mention a few (Himanshu 1). The adults surf the internet for various reasons, which include online shopping instead of having to literally move from one shopping mall to another. This way, they manage to save much time that could be utilized in other important matters. The internet has also made it possible for people to make online payments for instance, using PayPal. This has made it easy for people to carry out transactions faster, without delay of payments as witnessed in most of the cheque system. Surfing the internet also helps in giving information regarding places that people would like to visit for holidays.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Travellers are able to gather informat ion regarding different places and have the option to choosing the best without having to waste time and money travelling to the physical places. In addition to this, children also surf the internet or games, which they play online during holidays. People at work can also surf the internet for games and other leisure materials as they take a break from the busy schedule. In fact, a study conducted in 2009, indicated that surfing the internet by workers increases their productivity (Cheng 1). From the aforementioned reasons of surfing the internet, it can be clearly depicted that internet surfing has been of significant help to the lives of almost people in the society regardless of age. The only problem that could arise due to internet surfing is internet addiction that could compromise the roles and obligations of an individual such as studying for the students, working for the employees and even feeding for the young children. As such, it is important that internet surfing is done with limitations to avoid chances of being addicted. Cheng, Jacqui. Study: surfing the internet at work boosts productivity. 2009. Web. Himanshu, Sheth. 10 reasons why people use internet. 2011. Web.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Beliefs About Students Essay Example for Free

Beliefs About Students Essay It is undeniable that the beliefs about students and education have a profound impact on what is taught and how it is taught, just as the beliefs about life have a profound impact on how individuals live their lives. Educational beliefs are revised and refined and over time becomes stronger as they seem to serve us well and prove to be true. Thus, these beliefs ultimately become our philosophy of education. It is possible that every student that enters a classroom can succeed. However, in order for them to accomplish this, teaching should be student centered. Students should be encouraged to understand and appreciate their uniqueness and to be accountable for their learning and behavior. According to Ornstein and Hunkins (2004) Perennialism relies on the past; especially the past asserted by agreed-on universal knowledge and cherished values. Dunn (2005) also agreed that Perennialism is the oldest educational philosophy and is therefore traditional. It is believed that students are vessels to be filled and disciplined in the proven strategies of the past. This philosophy is supported by the realist philosopher John Locke, who was of the belief that at birth the mind is a blank sheet of paper on which the teacher could write knowledge (Tabula Rasa). According to the essentialist viewpoint, there are certain basic or essential knowledge, skills and understandings that students should master in order to function successfully in the society. These are reading, writing, computing and in today’s world, computer skills. Plato, who was the father of idealism, believed that both male and female are equal and should be educated equally. Therefore, the curriculum is the same for everyone and planning to execution of lessons are dominated by the teacher. However, one should not forget that these beliefs are teacher centered and tend to be more authoritarian and conservative and emphasize only the values and knowledge that have survived through time. Learning occurs through experience, Therefore students should be allowed to develop cognitively through experimentation and to reach their own personal potential instead of being shaped into a specific mould. Dunn (2005) cited Immanuel Kant who agreed that knowledge is rooted in the experience of mankind and can only be achieved by an active and exploratory mind, rather than one that is passive and receptive. Carl Rogers also believed in experiential learning. He believed that unlike academic knowledge, experiential knowledge is required to meet the needs of the learner in order to complete important real-life tasks such as learning to drive a car. Every student is different, no single set of learning outcomes is appropriate for all students. Thus a set curriculum will not be suitable for all. Students should be able to determine what they need to study with the guidance of the teacher. This will help them to arrive at their own understandings. Jean Sartre, a leader of existentialism believed that man’s responsibility is vested in man himself. He further stated that people are entitled to be human with dignity and is a human only when he or she is entirely free and accepts responsibility for his freedom. You may be led to believe that students are blank slates and learn based on mainly academic knowledge that has been tried, tested and proven and that all humans are equal and should be educated equally. However, do not ignore the fact that students are taking to the classroom, their own ideas and materials rather than receiving material in class as it is given. Students restructure the new information to fit into their own cognitive frameworks. In this manner, they actively and individually construct their own knowledge. They also are different thus, the same rigorous curriculum will not work for all students. From these facts one may conclude that in order to help students reach their full potential and gain the knowledge and skills that they will require in their daily lives as a democratic citizen of our society, the student centered approach to how students learn must be practiced. Therefore it is recommended that teachers facilitate students instead of being fountains of wisdom. The teacher should help students in their pursuit for knowledge and also help them acquire the communication, problem solving and critical thinking skills which will enable them to be life-long learners. Beliefs About Students. (2018, Oct 24).

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Criminal Justice Organizations- Assignment 2 Essay - 1

Criminal Justice Organizations- Assignment 2 - Essay Example Second, there could be little assurance that this leader himself did not employ enthusiasm and generally the passion for his tasks. I found him enthusiastic, passionate and all of these were combined generally to a higher energy level. He is indeed a transformational leader. I am a firm believer of the thought that every organization requires effective leadership style. In the case of my organization with that leader I mentioned above, his usage of transformational leadership was effective at some point. I believe that the nature of our jobs or daily activities require much higher energy, and so motivational considerations. For this reason, the leader together with his leadership style was simply on the right tract. I therefore argue that the type of leadership to be employed in an organization should also depend on its nature of jobs or activities and even particularly culture. Thus, at a closer evaluation, I can attest that a motivational leadership, generally the transformational leadership fitted into the requirements and the vital needs of our firm. If someone would ask me if there are other leadership styles that could fit in, my response would be that there are a lot of them. However, I should find them complementary approaches only, because I believe transformational leadership should be the primary requirement of the organization, as far as its needs and the nature of tasks in it are concerned. As to whether there are other leadership styles that could work effectively in o ur organization, the response on this would be that there are simply variety of them in the corner. However, this does not simply contest the fact that the use of transformational leadership was not remarkably necessary, at some point. The nature of the work in the criminal justice organization is highly under both a combination of physiological and psychological undertakings. These require more zeal and passion in the long

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

SCIE UNIT 5 IP Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

SCIE UNIT 5 IP - Research Paper Example The OPA law was initiated as a remedy to oil spills and in particular following the disastrous Exxon Valdez spill at Alaska Prince William Sound. OPA law was passed to streamline the federal responses in cases of oil spill. Here, the law provides that the federal government direct the oil vessels and storage facilities to make proper plans for spill response and further plan for their rapid implementation. In addition, the OPA law was passed as a measure to amplify Polluters liability with regard to damage and cleanup costs to natural resources. This law also imposes measures like phasing out of single hauler tanker, designed to check tanker safety and mitigate spillage. Tanker vessels thought to exceed 3,000 gross tons have their liability increased to 1200 dollars per gross ton or 10 million dollars. Responsible parties with facilities situated onshore and the deep-water ports carry a liability amounting to about 350 million dollars per spill. This law also provides that holders of permits or leasers for offshore amenities, with the exception of deep-water ports shoulder a liability of up to 75 Million dollars per spill in addition to the removal costs. In all this cases, the federal government maintains the sole authority of making any necessary adjustment to the 350 million dollar liability limit established with regard to onshore facilities but only through regulations (US Environmental Protection Agency). The fine associated with failure to notify relevant federal discharge agency is increased from 10,000 dollars maximum to 250,000 dollars maximum for cases involving individuals and 500,000 dollars for organizations. This law also extends the prison term from a maximum of 1 year to a maximum of five years. Violations is treated under this law is addressed with fine not exceeding 250,000 dollars and a 15 year jail term. Regarding civil penalties, the law authorizes

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Cultural Differences between United States and Italy Essay Example for Free

Cultural Differences between United States and Italy Essay All societies provide for certain broad areas of social living. Wissler (2000:99) identified these as universal patterns of culture, such as speech, material traits, art, mythology and scientific knowledge, religious practice, family and social systems, property, government, and war. Even within these broad areas of social living are a number of common elements. Moreover, cultures between countries differ because of the great variety of solutions people in different societies evolve in solving life problems. Amongst the important factors which give rise to cultural differences are the kind of environment within which the society lives, the human and natural resources available within this environment, the extent and intensity of exposure the society has to other people from which they can borrow ideas, and their cultural heritage. This paper intent to figure out the differences between the United States of America and Italy in terms of history, languages, Ethnical diversity, culture, superstitions and religions. II. Discussion A. United States of America The United States developed and grew from 13 English colonies on the Atlantic coast into an independent republic that eventually extended to the Pacific, with Alaska and Hawaii among its states. Although the original 13 colonies were British, several other nations took part in the discovery, exploration and settlement of the territory that became the United States. Both France and Spain once controlled more of North America than did Great Britain. Dutch and Swedish colonies existed temporarily on the Atlantic coast. Thus the beginnings of the United States, like its later development as a nation, involved contributions by people from many lands (see Graff, H. America: the Glorious Republic (2 volumes; Houghton Mifflin, 2001). North America was inhabited by Indians and Eskimos long before the first Europeans arrived. White men came into contact with the Indians from the very beginning, but the Eskimos were not greatly influenced by the white man’s civilization until the 20th century (see Link, A. S. , and others. American Epoch: a History of the United States since 1900, 9th edition (2 volumes: Knopf, 1999). There are various religions existing in the United States such as Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, Unitarian Universalism and Hinduism while others claimed that they don’t have a religion. Amongst the religions mentioned, Christianity has the greatest number as surveyed in 2001. On the other hand, English is the de facto national language of the United States. Spanish language has also been taught as â€Å"non-English second language† (see Boorstin, D. J. and R. F. The Landmark History of the American People, revised edition (2 volumes; Random House, 1999). B. Italy Italy is a country in the southern Europe. Jutting southward from the Alps into the Mediterranean Sea, Italy consists mainly of a slender boot-shaped peninsula and the islands of Sicily and Sardinia. Ital is bordered by France, Switzerland, Austria, and Yugoslavia, and the Adriatic, Ionian, Tyrrhenian, and Ligurian seas. It completely encircles two tiny, independent states: San Marino, east of Florence, and Vatican City, in Rome. The name Italy was first used by the Greeks for the southern tip of the peninsula, where they established colonies as early as the eighth century B. C. Gradually, as the peninsula came under Roman rule, the name was applied to everything south of the Alps (see Coppa, F. J. , editor. Dictionary of Modern Italian History (Greenwood Press, 2000). Italy has contributed greatly to western civilization. For hundreds of years it was the center of the far-flung Roman Empire. It was in Italy that Christianity first flourished in Europe and became powerful force. Rome has long been the seat of the papacy and the world center of the Roman Catholic Church. The Renaissance, the period of enlightenment that ended medieval times, began in Italy and during this period Italians contributed greatly to the intellectual and artistic development of the Western world. Italy still preserves much of its noble past in its cities, museums, and ruins, attracting more foreign visitors than any other country in the world (see Guicciardini, Francesco. The History of Italy (Princeton University, 1999). The Italians, an Indo-European people, were settled in theItalian peninsula by 1000 B. C. In the eighth century B. C. the Etruscans (or Tyrrhenians), who came probably from Asia Minor, founded Etruria on the west. To the south was Latium, established by the Latins, an Italian tribe, with Rome as its strongest city. Farther south were Greek colonies (see Guicciardini, Francesco. The History of Italy (Princeton University, 1999). By the middle of the sixth century B. C. the Etruscans dominated central Italy, including Rome. Greeks and Romans cooperated in driving back the Etruscans. Raids by Gauls, who had crossed the Alps and settled in the Po Valley, helped weaken Etruria, and it rapidly declined (see Coppa, F. J. , editor. Dictionary of Modern Italian History (Greenwood Press, 2000). In the fourth century B. C. the Greeks made several attempts to conquer the Italians, but in the third century the Greek colonies fell to Rome. From that time until the collapse of the Roman Empire, the history of Italy coincides with the history of Rome (see Coppa, F. J. , editor. Dictionary of Modern Italian History (Greenwood Press, 2000). III. Conclusion United States and Italy has many differences in terms of culture and history. However, these two countries were able to experienced invasion from other countries that tried to colonize them. References: 1. Coppa, F. J. , editor. Dictionary of Modern Italian History (Greenwood Press, 2000). 2. Guicciardini, Francesco. The History of Italy (Princeton University, 1999. 3. Graff, H. America: the Glorious Republic (2 volumes; Houghton Mifflin, 2001. 4. Link, A. S. , and others. American Epoch: a History of the United States since 1900, 9th edition (2 volumes: Knopf, 1999. 5. Boorstin, D. J. and R. F. The Landmark History of the American People, revised edition (2 volumes; Random House, 1999.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Character of Dee in Alice Walkers Everyday Use Essay -- Alice Wal

The Character of Dee in Alice Walker's Everyday Use Alice Walker skillfully crafts the character of Dee Johnson in the short story "Everyday Use." From the first paragraph, Walker begins to weave the portrait of Dee, who at first seems shallow in many aspects. Dee becomes a more complex character, however, as the story unfolds. Blessed with both brains and good looks, Dee emerges as someone who is still struggling with her identity and heritage. Dee's physical beauty can be defined as one of her biggest assets. The fact that Maggie sees Dee "with a mixture of envy and awe" (409) cues the reader to Dee's favorable appearance. The simplistic way in which Walker states that "Dee is lighter than Maggie, with nicer hair and a fuller figure" (410) gives the reader the idea that Dee's beauty has made it easier for her to be accepted outside her family in society. We are left with the impression that Dee's appearance is above average. Walker plays on Dee's physical beauty to contrast the homeliness of Maggie and her mother. Walker goes so far as to describe her feet as "always neat-looking, as if God himself had shaped them with a certain style" (411). In describing Dee's feet, Walker is giving the impression of perfection from head to toe. Dee's outward beauty has "made her transition from poor farm girl to that of an educated, middle-class black woman possible" (Allen-Polley 11). Needless to say, Dee doesn't seem comfor table with her past and therefore has a difficult time accepting her future. It is as though she is not really connected with her family anymore. She simply needs them to fulfill their positions in her recreated past. Dee's motivation in returning home seems to be not just seeing her family ... part of one's life. The character of Dee has many facets. She is blessed with good looks and a strong desire to succeed, but her blind and self-serving desire for success does hamper how she perceives her past and her heritage. By hiding "everything above the tip of her nose and her chin" (415), she deftly manages to disguise herself from anyone who might discover true ancestry. She refuses to accept her past as it really happened. She wants to be able to create the images to her liking. The past is something that cannot be recreated to suit our new ideas, however: It is a part of us that cannot be changed. Sources Allen-Polley, Kathryn. "Dee's Heritage." Ode to Friendship. Ed. Connie Bellamy. Virginia Wesleyan College, 1998. Walker, Alice. "Everyday Use." Harper Anthology of Fiction. Ed. Sylvan Barnet. New York: Harper Collins, 1991.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Enterprise-Level Strategic Uses of Technology At Baderman Islands

The advent of information technology and other technological products has lead to a more competitive market environment for different organization. In this regard, more and more companies and institutions are trying to invest on innovative and technology-specific products, and Baderman Islands is never an exemption. Accordingly, technological innovation for products and servers is known as integrated principle of technology and development to be able to meet current demands of the target market. In various ways, technological innovation is said to have specific use in enterprise-level of an organisation.The alignment of technology with the business strategy of the company is important. Primarily, the main goal of this paper is to determine the enterprise-level strategic use of technology at Baderman Islands. Overview of Baderman Islands Baderman Island is known as an independent, all inclusive resort destination with various features from hotels, restaurants, convention centre and ot her leisure activities that a tourist is looking for. It is an island resort community with vast essentialities to give innovative services to sustain their competitive advantage.The management of the company aims on providing quality tourisms services for their target market. In doing so, the company is pursuing technological innovations to be more distinctive and add to the entire experience of their target market. Enterprise-Level Strategic Use of Technology In order to sustain competitive position in the marketplace, the company has adapted technological innovation which specifically focuses on the Dolphin Boat by Innerspace Technology. The alignment of this technology has enterprise-strategic use for Baderman Island’ includes the following.The first strategic use of this technology is to meet and satisfy customer demands. Since tourists in this generation are seeking for an island retreat which provides business, leisure and other escapades and extraordinary experiences, the company considers technological alignment to provide the needs of the customer for an island-getaway. This technological innovation can help the company to provide distinctive and effective service provision. It is said that the successful and effective alignment of the company’ management, staff and technology, is important for attaining customer satisfaction.Such alignment begins with the purposeful alignments of the company’s operations employed by Baderman Island’s management (Johnston & Clarke, 2001). Another enterprise-level strategic use of technology with Baderman Islands is with regards to the enhancement of the management system of the company. By considering technologically innovated products such that of the Dolphin Boat, the company will be able to enhanced their differentiation strategy, and business strategy of the company which include the management skills and resources.In addition, the company will be able to improve their creative flair, product engineering, strong marketing abilities and strong capability in basic research. Furthermore, as part of the enhancement of management system of the company through the alignment of technology, their corporate reputation is also improving to attract more tourists in choosing their tourism services among other competitors (Nickols 2000). Such mentioned skills and capabilities brought by the alignment of technology and business strategy are very important for the company to retain or attract internal and external stakeholders.In addition, strategic alignment of technology and business strategy is associated with the satisfaction of the customers in a way that providing unique services mostly satisfy tourists or clients (Duffy & Ketchand, 2002). Another important enterprise-level strategic use of aligning technological innovation in Baderman is with regards to the improvement and of the service quality of their tourism services. The use of new technology can be able to guide th e company towards the expansion strategy of the company.Accordingly, the central attribute of technological innovation, specifically for the products and services provides by organizations like Baderman Island, is the interaction between the marketing management and the company itself. Things like labour intensiveness, high consumer contact are some of the mitigating features of the alignment of technological expansion and service quality alignment. Hence, technological innovation can provide sensual benefit for the company (Watt, 2007). Part of the business approach of the tourism service industries is their adherence to the context of service quality.Consequently, the context of service quality is considered as the outcome of the strategic alignment of new and technologically improved products and services and service delivery system (Ghobadian, Speller & Jones, 1994), specifically in the case of service industries like Baderman Island. By and large, the underlying principle of bu siness strategy and technological alignment aims to determine and provide the needs of the clients. Through this alignment, the company has been able to have a unifying theme which aligns their service provision, marketing strategy and management system to satisfy stakeholders.The alignment of the technology and business strategy has different enterprise-level strategic uses to sustain competitive advantage of the organization. It is said that the alignment of these aspects should see to it that the company would be consistent in providing high quality among their tourist clients. Reference Duffy, JA & Ketchund, AA 2002, â€Å"Examining the Role of Service Quality in Overall Service Satisfaction†, Journal of Managerial Issues, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 240+. Ghobadian, A, Speller, S. and Jones, M. (1994). Service Quality: Concepts and Models.International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 11(9): 43-66. Johnston, R. & Clark, G. (2001). Service Operation Management. 1st Ed ition. London: Prentice Hall. Nickols, F 2000, Distance Consulting, viewed October 11, 2008 . Watt, P. (2007) â€Å"I Need People that are Happy, Always Smiling: Guest Interaction and Emotional Labour in a Canadian Downtown Hotel† Just Labour, Vol 10, Spring: 45-59 (http://www. justlabour. yorku. ca/volume10/pdfs/04WattPress. pdf) retrieve October 11, 2008 .

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Through the Lens Essay

Does a Picture Really Tell A Thousand Words? According to John Berger, photographs from August 6th, 1945, are â€Å"images of hell. † (316) That was the day the US dropped an atomic bomb on Japan, killing countless innocent civilians and severely burning others. In his essay, â€Å"Hiroshima,† Berger faces the idea that our culture has â€Å"abandoned† the â€Å"concept of evil. † (320) Countless pictures seem to be the only thing left of that day, and from Berger’s perspective, the true meaning of that event has been hidden, even though the facts are still in textbooks.The concept of horrific pictures being taken plays an important role in Berger’s thoughts about Hiroshima, because those pictures are what initially sparked his interest. However, the idea of sharing of graphing pictures is called into question by Susan Sontag in her essay, â€Å"Regarding the Pain of Others,† who points out that war photography should have some form of censorship because of the effect it may have on victims or families who have lost their loved ones. While Berger doesn’t seem to promote graphic photography, it seems that from is point of view, pictures such as these make a reality of what otherwise might just become another page in our history books. â€Å"These paintings [by survivors] were shown on Japanese television. Is it conceivable that the BBC would show these pictures on Channel One at a peak hour? † (319) He makes a strong point that American television would never show those pictures without â€Å" reference to ‘political’ and ‘military’ realities† (319) because it was our country that caused such destruction. Sontag almost reinforces this idea by saying that â€Å"the camera brings the viewer close, too close,† (259) but at the ame time contradicts it by implying that war pictures sometimes provide inaccurate information because of new age technology. Cameras and c omputers today have the ability to enhance the main focus, what the photographer wants you to look at, and blur out other details which may change a picture completely. â€Å"The real thing may not be fearsome enough, and therefore needs to be enhanced; or reenacted more convincingly. † (259) This brings out a good point, although cameras used in 1945 wouldn’t have that kind of technology, but they can still be edited today.That being said, a picture can be inaccurate in more ways than one. While the Hiroshima pictures are heartbreaking to look at, Berger fails to address the fact that not all war pictures tell the full story, along with what may have happened before and after the picture was taken, and some may be taken completely out of context. Sontag brings in this idea by talking about a famous picture of a South Vietnamese General shooting a Vietcong suspect, which turned out to be staged. This idea calls Berger’s argument into question, because it is unkn own which pictures are â€Å"real† and which are mainly for ublicity purposes. We don’t know what happened before, after, or even what’s going on outside the frame on a picture just by looking at it. Only the photographer and the people present at that moment know the whole truth. Although Sontag brings in some point that were missed by Berger, Sontag reinforces Berger’s speculation that US television and newspapers only show what the government wants the public to see, and nothing more. She adds that the military promoted â€Å"images that illustrated America’s absolute military superiority over its enemy. † (260) in the Gulf War in 1991.This idea really brings the true motives of our nation out, which is really what Berger’s entire argument is based off of. He tries to make the US look like bullies, killing innocent people to scare their government so that we look like a strong country that defeats the bad guys and protects its citi zens. â€Å"It was not a miscalculation, an error, or the result of a situation deteriorating so rapidly that it gets out of hand. † (319) This quote proves that, from Berger’s perspective, the US purposely caused such an event, which was preplanned , not a defense mechanism.While Sontag doesn’t specify an opinion about why the US only shows pictures that make ourgovernment look good, she does mention that â€Å"the use of cameras at the front for nonmilitary purposes have become much stricter as war has become an activity prosecuted with increasingly exact optical devices for tracking the enemy. † (260) This would explain why we don’t see many pictures of the war going on right now, even though it’s been going on for many years already. Berger aims his focus on Hiroshima alone, while Sontag looks at the big picture of war photography in itself.Sontag would assumingly agree with Berger about the issue of Hiroshima, how horrifying it was and how those pictures play such a big role. At the same time, I think this would further promote her idea that war photography is sometimes too harsh, even though without seeing those pictures, one might not be able to imagine such horror. However, Sontag might not agree with Berger when he says â€Å"the memory of these events should be continually before our eyes. † (320) A lot of pictures should be continually before our eyes, and unfortunately Hiroshima is only an example of events hat would be forgotten without visual aids to remind us. He himself is an example, not interested in the book on his desk until he opened it and was reminded of such an event. But like Sontag says, â€Å"to display the dead, after all, is what the enemy does. † (259) In many third world countries, people see death and sickness all the time. Civilians in places like Iraq and Afghanistan probably see death more than anyone, and we, the enemy, are the ones showing it to them. For us, war pictu res hit too close to home, especially for amilies that have loved ones overseas fighting for our country, but what about people that have to witness it firsthand? They don’t always have a choice. Berger, who is British, calls his friend from America, the one he talks about in the beginning, â€Å"innocent,† saying that she looks at a â€Å"nuclear holocaust without considering its reality. † (321) But in a way, many Americans do that. We could â€Å"google† many kinds of pictures, graphic or not, whenever we feel like it, but do we really think about what it would be like to be there?This is the problem with Sontag’s idea about war photos not being shown; without them, many Americans would probably be even more naive than they already are. If I told you a bomb was dropped on Japan and many people were killed and burned, you would probably feel sympathy, but you would probably go on with your day, as would a lot of people. But seeing pictures, child ren burned, dead bodies, that would make it more real, and that’s why Berger says we should constantly see things like that. Unfortunately, that can’t be publicly shown, especially on television, where verything has to be â€Å"family oriented. † There’s a downside to both arguments: we can’t constantly be reminded of such horrible things like Hiroshima, but we also can’t be completely out of the loop. War photography is a controversial topic, but it’s one that will most likely always be part of life. As long as there’s wars, there will be people trying to expose the events and realities of it. Works Cited Berger, John â€Å"Hiroshima† Fields of Reading, 2010, Bedford/ St. Martin’s Sontag, Susan â€Å"Regarding the Pain of Others† Fields of Reading, 2010, Bedford/ St. Martin’s

Thursday, November 7, 2019

buy custom America in Vietnam essay

buy custom America in Vietnam essay In the 1950s, America through its domino theory had wanted to turn all the countries around it into communist. This is when its influence up on the domino theory started in Vietnam. However, this actionwas met with high criticism. To be more influential in Vietnam, by 1955 America sent military special advisors to South Vietnam. The numbers of special advisors were increased to 1,500 in the 1961. The number further increased to 16,000 by 1963(Williams, 1989). The main function of these American special advisors was to train the South Vietnamese army in readiness for war. In 1964, some two American destroyers were killed in the international waters by the Vietnamese gunboats. This made the United States senate to give the then president Johnson the power to give arm support to the Americas army in order to help it defend the freedom of American troops in the South Vietnam. In 1965, American troops landed in Vietnam and that marked the beginning of the America- Vietnam war (Williams, 1 989). With the gorilla war tactics deployed by the Vietnam soldiers, it became practically impossible for the young unskilled American soldiers (only with basic) to identify whom among the Vietnamese was a soldier who was a civilian. It worth noting that, the Vietnamese soldiers unlike American soldiers had no official or uniform war cloth and employed crude ways to fight this war (Williams, 1989). This made the American soldiers to consider everybody including the civilians a soldier. The American soldiers considered everybody as a potential threat thus fought every Vietnamese. This led to the death of innocent civilians that was facilitated by both side of the warring armies. On the other hand, The Vietnamese soldiers killed the villagers they believed were in support of American while American troops killed the villagers that they considered friendly to the Vietnam soldiers (Williams, 1989). The death of killings of the large number of civilians was seen as an immoral conduct that was i nitiated America. The America- Vietnam war at some point had been considered a massacre. Among other things, American war to the Vietnam was at some point considered unnecessary (Williams, 1989). Moreover, it had been viewed as an act of genocide as Vietnamese turned against each other, which lead to the murder of numerous civilians and subsequent displacement of millions. The killing that made Vietnameseeach otherwas perpetuated by poor and unethical United States foreign policies. Moreover, the treatments given to the war prisoners were inhuman and undermined human rights. The American soldiers subjected the prisoners (the Vietnam captured soldiers) to maltreatment and torture. This made the Vietnamese soldiers to be frustrated; thus, prompted to fight unforeseen enemies. However, this war may also be considered just in the sense that the war was not initiated with immoral intensions. It was a war to protect the sovereignty of the American people living beyond its borders. Nonetheless, it was out of guilt (Williams, 1989). If the United States of America were to involve itself inWar with Vietnam today, it would take a different course and different effects will be felt. Currently there are international laws and treaties that must be followed before a country wedges a war against another. Moreover, all the countries are protected by United Nation treaty. However, the United States has ever been a victim of not following the treaty, and gets into war with the claims of fighting terrorism. Nonetheless, killing of two Americans in another country (Vietnam) today will not send America into war with Vietnam. Nevertheless, if America forges ahead with such war, it will face international criticism of the highest order. Such war will not take America time to defeat since America has already developed sophisticated war machineries and ideas that makes its war with a country like Vietnam very easy. Buy custom America in Vietnam essay

Monday, November 4, 2019

Art of the 20th century Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Art of the 20th century - Essay Example Surrealism was a new way of expression and was based on the idea of higher reality of certain forms of association which had been neglected previously. In addition, it was based on the notion of the omnipotence i.e. the dominance and control of dream and in the impartial play of thought. Thus, surrealists sought to break the dreadlock of predictable ways of thinking. In essence, its experiments sought to highlight the task of the unconscious in creativity in a bid to be innovative (ibid 477). Given the fact that the surrealists were interested in the works of expression of the unconscious, and the finest place of longing in psychoanalytical theory, it was unavoidable that in the long run an effort would be made so as to bring together works of surrealism based on the theme of desire. One such attempt by surrealism was "surrealism: Desire unbound", an exhibition at fate Modem in London which lasted till the 1st of January, 2001(ibid). The exhibition was a major undertaking in which fourteen rooms were set by a given topic. It focused on specific artistic works and highlighted artists by name. This was such an inspiration to artists since most of the important and a great number of the lesser known facts and figures of the surrealist movement were represented there. During the exhibition, waiting rooms prepared the scene. Men shall know nothing of this was one of the artistic works at the scene presented by Max Ernst. The curator introduced his works by giving his theme. According to him, a theme vital to surrealism is its vision of man as a being driven by desire. The desire of surrealists was the authentic variety of the self in the inside. In itself, this is not a problem but it can also not be said to be the whole story. In addition, it implies that representations desire can be considered principarily as biographical (Summers&Claude 324). Marcel Duchamp's artistic work, the bride stripped bare by Her Bachelors. dominated the first room which was named after the artistic works reconstructed by Richard Hamilton. Duchamp can be said to be a very good place where a survey on surrealism can be carried out. From earlier days of Dada, an Iconoclastic vision was found at the frontage of the way out. Andre' Breton had a place written on Duchamp's massive influence. He explained that someday, one can question oneself as to what degree it will be measured legitimate to have painting continued as if the Bride stripped Bare had been created. The great works of glass bold in the room poses a mechanistic vision of sexual desire (ibid 324) The love and poetry room contains artifacts of surrealism as a Literary and a movement across the globe. In the room, there were publications and manuscripts. The small handbills were the most rewarding in contributing a lot to surrealism. "Parents-tell your dreams to your children" and most significantly, "surrealistic is Literature denied''. In this room, there was the first proposition that there was any form of union within surrealism since there were photographs of international groupings and meetings (Ruhr berg & Waither 477). The last room in the exhibition had enormous amounts of material, some of it unfamiliar. The material was laid out in an active manner and the subject is a legitimate one in surrealism. The material was disappointing though; it was ultimately not fulfilling due to a number of reasons. One is that whilst

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Companies Monitoring Employees Computer Usage Essay

Companies Monitoring Employees Computer Usage - Essay Example ncidences of employees misusing company time surfing the internet, action plans have been introduced in many organizations to help identify employees involved in such activities. For instance, some sniffers on computer usage can show all the key strokes a person has made on a company computer. This can act as the basis for firing employees found to have a habit of misusing company time surfing the internet. Other than reasons pertaining to productivity, there are also other reasons why organizations monitor and control internet usage. A good example includes legal liabilities that may arise due to misuse of technology (Anandarajan and Simmers 144). For instance, an employee may use the company internet to download and distribute pornographic materials. If such materials falls into the wrong hands, the company could be sued for casualness. Sending pornographic materials to colleagues in the workplace could also be considered sexual molestation and the company could also be liable if necessary steps are not taken to address the problem (Anandarajan and Simmers 144). In a nutshell, monitoring and controlling internet usage in the workplace increase productivity and minimizes the likelihood of paying for legal