Sunday, February 16, 2020

Consumer culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Consumer culture - Essay Example One of such events is the World War II. At the end of the war, there were various changes that occurred in the country. The changes that took place in the country were fascinating to the soldiers returning from war (PBS 1). As soldiers arrived in the country, they found many changes that were not there in the past. The changes were associated with the manufacture of various goods that were meant for the war. The increased production had helped America get out of the challenges it has experienced during the era of the Great Depression (PBS 1). The obvious phenomenon is that billions of people in the world belong to consumer class. According to a study done, it is estimated that approximately 1.7 billion people in the world belong to the â€Å"consumer class† (Mayell 1). The war helped America get out of various challenges that occurred in the past. One of such challenges was The Great Depression that had serious ramification on the economy (PBS 1). For this reason, as the challenge was overcome through wartime production, young people found an opportunity to spend. In addition, improved accessibility of jobs, increased wages, and lack of consumer goods in the event of war increased eagerness for American to spend as the war ended (PBS 1). Other changes were seen as young couples married and begun to get children at a higher rates. There were also changes in federal programs that provided an opportunity for young families to purchase their homes mostly in posh areas. However, there are various questions that arise. The first question is how the society transformed after this period in terms of spending. Secondly, what was the impact of such changes to society? Were the impacts positive or negative? The consumer culture had a negative influence on American society because it firmly brings shortcomings on personal life and social environment. There were significant changes in

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Crowdfunding Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Crowdfunding - Essay Example From this discussion it is clear that the reward can be service or product that the company offers. Just like the donation approach, the method does not have equity or financial return. The advantage of the method is that it lets capital seekers to incentivize their investors without selling ownership stake or incurring extra expenses. Equity-based offers the investors the opportunity to have a stake in the business. In this respect, the investors have a chance to trade capital for equity shares. The implication is that the contributors get a financial return on the investment, as well as, dividends.As the report highlights that  crowdfunding presents numerous advantages to the movie producer. First, the strategy facilitates access to many accredited investors in which the entrepreneur can interact and share the fundraising campaign. The borrower can review the potential investors and select the best out of a large pool.  The producer can promote the campaign through the email ne wsletter, social media, and other online marketing platforms. The media platforms mentioned above make the campaign viewable to the thousands of potential investors.  Crowdfunding offers the potential funders an opportunity to be part of the company, especially in the equity-based approach. With the equity - based approach, the funder can trade in shares. The implication is that the funder gets financial investment and dividends.