Monday, August 24, 2020

Human Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Human Rights - Essay Example Notwithstanding these, the force controlled by individuals of any country decides if the individuals practice their privileges, or not. Rearranging and diminishing the quantity of human rights would not work to the benefit of mankind. The human rights as they are can be effectively comprehended by any individual, henceforth no requirement for additional disentanglement. Then again, lessening the quantity of human rights would preclude significant issues, which stand integral to the pride of man. Along these lines, changes in accordance with the human rights would prompt more prominent damage than great. As I would like to think, female genital mutilation represents the greatest human rights challenge within recent memory. Young ladies and ladies are denied their privileges through the savagery engaged with the training. The demonstration likewise denies them their physical, just as mental honesty. This follows the way that individuals despite everything practice it in the mystery of their homes. The different societies, particularly in Africa and the Middle East that advocate for this training do it without raising a caution to the outside networks. The young ladies and ladies engaged with the demonstration make a vow of mystery; subsequently, a great many people don't report the bad habit. The mystery exudes from the battle against the numerous non-administrative associations, and governments that look to annul the demonstration (Snarr and Snarr, slide 8). Ensuing to these, endeavors planned for destroying such maltreatment of human rights keeps on falling flat, which makes female genital mutilation the greatest human rights challenge of our

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Provide adequate background to the Retail Supervisor job at Warwick Essay

Give satisfactory foundation to the Retail Supervisor work at Warwick Castle - Essay Example rmance measures to be accomplished, Working conditions and potential dangers, Number of representatives playing out the activity and to whom they report to, the machines and gear utilized at work. To the extent the set of working responsibilities contains adequate data it ought not give an excess of point by point data of how the work will be performed with the goal that it can stay valuable when that sort of employment procures minor changes. This incorporates the activity title, the division, the revealing relationship, a vocation number or code. A decent tittle ought to intently estimated the idea of the work content and will recognize that activity from others. The activity investigation date is set hands on depiction to help in recognizing work changes that would make the portrayal out of date. It is prescribed that to put an expiry date on the archive since this training guarantees occasional survey of occupation content and limits the quantity of old set of working responsibilities. This part assists with finding the activity in the association by showing the activity promptly underneath or above it in the activity progressive system. It additionally gives a thought of the vertical connections of work processes and strategies. Individual particular is a set up account of the necessities looked for in an individual laborer for a given activity. It alludes to a rundown of the individual qualities required for an occupation. It is an announcement of the base worthy human characteristics vital for the correct presentation of an occupation. Things remembered for the activity determination are factors that can be demonstrated to be work related, for example, instructive necessities, experience, character attributes and physical capacities. It is significant as it keeps questioners consideration on rundown of fundamental capability and helps to decide if applicants are basic qualified. The depiction beneath involves an individual determination for a retail administrator work at Warwick Castle. The administrator ought to likewise be a genuine good example, ready to mentor his group adequately to make progress this ought to be finished by

Sunday, July 26, 2020


FASAP [by Maggie Liu 12, Guest Blogger] Youd think that once the college application process was over, all the complications in life would vanish. Not so. After I mailed in my deposit, I received an ominously thick package that included everything from housing lottery to advising. Freshman advising at MIT falls into two general categories: residence-based advising and non-residence based advising. Non-residence based advising is further divided into Traditional and Seminar Advising. Seminar Advising is actually an academic subject worth 6 units of credit and has regular 2-hour weekly meetings during the Fall term. Compared to Traditional Advising, Seminar Advising brings a focus on a particular subject and congregates people who are interested in the subject or are interested in learning more about it. FASAP (Freshman Advising Seminar Arts Program) is one of the advising seminars offered. The official title is 21M.123 FASAP: Exploring the Arts at MIT and Beyond. I personally chose it because I thought it would be a great way to continue my love for art in a, well, tech school. To my surprise, through FASAP, I discovered not only an active arts scene at MIT but also that of Boston. Apart from the 2-hour weekly meeting, we have an array of optional events and six mandatory events. These events include free tickets to contemporary art performances at the ICA and even a trip to the opera house. Im always excited or the events outside of MIT because not only are the tickets for the events often expensive, theres also often free food aferwards. :D At MIT, thats always a nice extra incentive. Through FASAP, I think Ive attended more shows and explored Boston more so than even some of the upperclassman. Not to mention the fact that through FASAP, Ive met some pretty interesting people. The res an eclectic range of personalities and attachments to art but everyone in FASAP seems to appreciate art and are genuinely. Some of the FASAP shows are on the obscure sidefor example, last week a group of FASAPers embarked on a trip to the American Repertory Theatre (aka A.R.T.) in Harvard Square for the play/musical The Communist Dracula Pageant. When we first heard of the title, more than a few eyebrows were raised. Its not everyday that an infamous mythical bloodsucking creature with fangs is associated with a political ideology. Donald Guy 12, a MC Lars fan challenging Sila, one of our associate advisors. As always, we met at the Tthe starting point of our treks across Boston. Ah, the Tour source of transportation and much agonywhether that be barely missing the T by a hairbreadth (since our poor advisors have to play the role of mother ducklings to her brood of wandering ducklings) to Harvard Express Ts. On this particular FASAP trip, we just barely missed our T. The trip was redeemed though as an impromptu rapping battle ensued when our T actually came. As our associate advisor bravely led us through the unfamiliar territory of Harvard Squares art district, one students sharp eye quickly confirmed the location of our play. The Communist Dracula Pageant was plastered boldly to the window. A few of us exchanged dubious looks before filing in. Since most of us had failed to do a background check beforehand, an Andy Warhol-esque portrait of a man, Ceausescu, with drawn-in fangs was our first impression of the play. A.R.T. itself was a cozy but quirky place. As we waited outside until we could be ushered in, we scoped the scene. Suspended chairs, communist draculas, oh my! The play itself turned out to be an exhilarating and unconventional walk through Romanian history and the story of the Ceausescu dictatorship. Few are aware of the Romanian Revolution, let alone the details, since it seemed insignificant compared to the political collapse occurring to the rest of Eastern Europe. The play was a psychedelic roller-coaster ride. It shifted from two time periods: the era of Vlad Ëœ ¢epe »Ã´, the historical Dracula from the 1400s to Nicolae Ceausescu, the cruel dictator of Romania who was sentenced to death, guilty of genocide and undermining the national economy. The title of the play itself came from the analogy the playwright created between Vlad Ëœ ¢epe »Ã´ and Ceausescu. This was a bit confusing because the play kept shifting between the past and the present and sometimes certain events overlapped. Add in 70s pop, sparkly costumes, and a dancing grizzly bear, and youve got a play that leaves one amused, puzzled, and pondering on the message long afte r the curtains close. Following the play, we headed to Wagamama, a delicious noodle shop across the street from Boston Tea Stop. It seemed like a typical FASAP weekendthe formula is as such: T-ride + thought-provoking art piece + yummy free dinner afterwards. Alison 12 enjoys a delicious bowl of ramen

Friday, May 22, 2020

The results of Factoring in Finance Management - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 14 Words: 4071 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? This involves the sale at a discount of accounts receivable or other debt assets on a daily, weekly or monthly basis in exchange for immediate cash. The debt assets are sold by the exporter at a discount to a factoring house, which will assume all commercial and political risks of the account receivable. In the absence of private sector players, governments can facilitate the establishment of a state-owned factor; or a joint venture set-up with several banks and trading enterprises. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The results of Factoring in Finance Management" essay for you Create order Factoring is a financial option for the management of receivables. In simple definition it is the conversion of credit sales into cash. In factoring, a financial institution (factor) buys the accounts receivable of a company (Client) and pays up to 80%(rarely up to 90%) of the amount immediately on agreement. Factoring company pays the remaining amount (Balance 20%-finance cost-operating cost) to the client when the customer pays the debt. Collection of debt from the customer is done either by the factor or the client depending upon the type of factoring. We will see different types of factoring in this article. The account receivable in factoring can either be for a product or service. Examples are factoring against goods purchased, factoring for construction services (usually for government contracts where the government body is capable of paying back the debt in the stipulated period of factoring. Contractors submit   invoices to get cash instantly). HOW FACTORING IS DONE? How it works Client deliver goods / services to the customers and issue an invoice Client sell invoice to a financial institution (factoring company), who immediately advances the 1st installment. This will be between 70% and 90% of the gross value of the invoice. Client usually receives the advance in as little as 24 hours. The sale of the receivables essentially transfers ownership of the receivables to the factor, indicating the factor obtains all of the rights and risks associated with the receivables. Accordingly, the factor obtains the right to receive the payments made by the debtor for the invoice amount and must bear the loss if the debtor does not pay the invoice amount After 30 to 60 days, the invoice is paid by the customer and the factoring company advances you the remaining funds as a 2nd installment, less a small financing fee. Let us see how factoring is done against an invoice of goods purchased:- FACTORING IN HSBC Factoring combines sales-linked finance, bad debt protection, payment collection and transmission services that helps business to compete with the local supplier on equal trading terms. Simply, if a business is trading with another business on open account credit terms, HSBC Factoring Services has the potential to help grow business sales, speed up cash flow, collect payment on invoices and, in selected cases, even protect business from the risk of bad debt. Factoring is a financial transaction whereby a business sells its accounts receivable (i.e., invoices) to a third party (called a factor) at a discount in exchange for immediate money with which to finance continued business. The receivable is essentially a financial asset associated with the debtors Liability to pay money owed to the seller (usually for work performed or goods sold).Factorings rationale includes the financial task of advancing funds to smaller rapidly growing firms who sell to larger more creditworthy organ izations. CHARACTERISTICS OF FACTORING Raise Cash instantly Factoring enables you to raise instant cash against your invoices. HSBC can pay up to 90% of the value of eligible invoices within a day of submission of invoice and the delivery documents.  No Collateral Security required No Collateral Security needed to avail finance. You pay interest only on the actual funds utilization in your account.  Concentrate on your core business The more your sales book grows, the more well help you to turn your invoices into cash. This will enable you to respond more quickly to market opportunities. Collection of receivables is also managed by HSBC enabling you to concentrate on your core business activities.  Optimize your Cash flows Avoid the hidden costs associated with providing extended credit for your customers. Improved cash flows can help you to negotiate competitive purchase terms with your suppliers. You can also choose additional services from our offering including our Credit Protection#  service to protect yourself from bad debts that may arise. 5. Period Usually the period for factoring is 90 to 150 days. Some factoring companies allow even more than 150 days. 6. Costly source of finance Factoring is considered to be a costly source of finance compared to other sources of short term borrowings. 7. Credit risk is analysed Credit rating is not mandatory. But the factoring companies usually carry out credit risk analysis before entering into the agreement Other features:- Factoring is a method of off balance sheet financing. Cost of factoring=finance cost + operating cost. Factoring cost vary according to the transaction size, financial strength of the customer etc. The cost of factoring varies from 1.5% to 3% per month depending upon the financial strength of the clients customer. Indian firms offer factoring for invoices as low as 1000Rs For delayed payments beyond the approved credit period, penal charge of around 1-2% per month over and above the normal cost is charged (it varies like 1% for the first month and 2% afterwards). Bad debts will not be considered for factoring. Factoring receivables is an ideal financial solution for new and emerging firms without strong financials. This is because credit worthiness is evaluated based on the financial strength of the customer (debtor). Hence these companies can leverage on the financial strength of their customers. Eligibility Criteria Reserve Bank of India in its notification dated 12th February 2008, has permitted banks to extend financial assistance to support the factoring business of Factoring Companies which comply with the following criteria: a) The companies carry out all the components of a standard factoring activity, viz., financing of receivables, sale-ledger management and collection of receivables. b) They derive at least 80 per cent of their income from factoring activity. c) The receivables purchased/financed, irrespective of whether on with recourse or without recourse basis, form at least 80 per cent of the assets of the Factoring Company. d) The assets/income referred to above would not include the assets/income relating to any bill discounting facility extended by the Factoring Company. e) The financial assistance extended by the Factoring Companies is secured by hypothecation or assignment of receivables in their favour. As per the existing guidelines, bills discounted / red iscounted by NBFCs (which is deemed to include any other mode of financing of receivables of the borrowers), except those arising from sale of certain types of vehicles, are not eligible for bank finance. Further, the unsecured loans extended by the NBFCs to other companies are also ineligible for bank finance. HSBC CRITERIA: The entity should be in operation for the last 3 years The entity should have generated profits during the last 2 years and should satisfy our internal credit parameters. The concern must have a positive tangible net worth. Factoring Solutions are offered to the following type of concerns Sole Proprietorships Partnerships Private Limited Companies SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP 1. Proof of identity of the Sole Proprietorship Firm (any one of the following): Sales/VAT/Service tax/Excise registration  OR Registration under Shops and Establishment Act  OR PAN Card/IT Return of the concern  OR Water/Electricity/Municipal tax bill in the name of the concern  OR MAPIN Card in the name of the concern 1. Proof of individual identity to be submitted for the sole proprietor (any one of the following): Passport  OR Photo PAN card  OR Voters Identity card  OR MAPIN Card  OR Driving License 1. Proof of Residence Address of sole proprietor (any one of the following): Passport  OR Voters ID  OR Driving License  OR Ration Card  OR Society outgoing bill  OR Life Insurance Policy  OR Electricity bill  OR Telephone (Land/Mobile) Bill 2. PAN Card/PAN allotment Letter/Form 60 of the concern Only Passport can be used as both Proof of Identity and Proof of Residence. PARTNERSHIP FIRM 1. Proof of identity of the Partnership firm (any one of the following): Sales/VAT/Service tax/Excise registration  OR Registration under Shops and Establishment Act  OR PAN Card/IT Return of the concern  OR Water/Electricity/Municipal tax bill in the name of the concern  OR MAPIN Card in the name of the concern 1. Proof of individual identity to be submitted for all partners (any one of the following): Passport  OR Photo PAN card  OR Voters Identity card  OR MAPIN Card  OR Driving License  1. Proof of residence address to be submitted for all partners (any one of the following): Passport  OR Voters ID  OR Driving License  OR Ration Card  OR Society outgoing bill  OR Life Insurance Policy  OR Electricity bill 2. Partnership Deed: Partnership deed is required  3. PAN Card/PAN allotment Letter/Form 60 of the concern PRIVATE LIMITED COMPANY 1. Proof of identity of the Private Limited Company (any one of the following): Sales/VAT/Service tax/Excise registration  OR Registration under Shops and Establishment Act  OR PAN Card/IT Return of the concern  OR Water/Electricity/Municipal tax bill in the name of the concern  OR MAPIN Card in the name of the concern  2. Memorandum Articles of Association  3. Certificate of Incorporation  4. Board Resolution  5. Copy of annual return establishing the shareholding pattern  Proof of individual identity to be submitted for all the authorized signatories, all principal shareholders (with more than 10% shareholding) and at least 2 Directors (including the Managing Director) 1.Any one of the following- Passport  OR Photo PAN card  OR Voters Identity card  OR MAPIN Card  OR Driving License  2. List of Directors  3. Copy of Form 32 filed with ROC  4. PAN Card/PAN allotment Letter/Form 60 of the concern  ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS REQUIRED: Pre Approval Profit Loss and Balance Sheet for the last three years audited by a C.A. Information on projected sales to the customers.  Post Approval Personal guarantee of the promoter directors along with their certified net worth statements is to be provided. Net worth statements of the promoter directors. Letter of disclaimer from existing charge holders for the factored debt*. Letters to be sent to your customers by you instructing them to route payments through HSBC**. Demand promissory note in favour of HSBC. Board resolution of the company or Partnership letter or declaration from the sole proprietor providing a list of authorized signatories. Execution of a Factoring agreement and acceptance of terms detailed in the Facility Advice Letter. Power of Attorney in favour of HSBC. TYPES OF FACTORING A) Recourse Factoring and Non Recourse Factoring. B) Disclosed Factoring and Undisclosed Factoring. C) Full Factoring and Limited Factoring. D) Bulk Factoring. E) Maturity Factoring. F) Channel Factoring. RECOURSE FACTORING: In recourse factoring, client undertakes to collect the debts from the customer. If the customers dont pay the amount on maturity, factor will recover the amount from the client. This is the most common type of factoring. Recourse factoring is offered at a lower interest rate since the risk by the factor is low. Balance amount is paid to client when the customer pays the factor. NON RECOURSE FACTORING: In non recourse factoring, factor undertakes to collect the debts from the customer. Balance amount is paid to client at the end of the credit period or when the customer pays the factor whichever comes first. The advantage of non recourse factoring is that continuous factoring will eliminate the need for credit and collection departments in the organization. DISCLOSED FACTORING: In disclosed factoring clients customers are notified of the factoring agreement. The buyer is informed that the third party (the factoring company) is party to. The buyer is asked to make payment to factor on due date. UNDISCLOSED FACTORING: In undisclosed factoring, clients customers are not notified of the factoring arrangement. Sales ledger administration and collection of debts are undertaken by the client himself. Client has to pay the amount to the factor irrespective of whether customer has paid or not. But in disclosed type factor may or may not be responsible for the collection of debts depending on  whether it is recourse or non recourse. FULL FACTORING: It is made up of all the factoring services finance, sales ledger administration, collection, credit risk cover and the arrangement is fully notified to the buyers. LIMITED FACTORING: The factors choose limited number of invoices to be subject of factoring agreement with the clients. BULK FACTORING: This type of factoring is basically used as a method of financing book debts. Under this the client continues to administer credit and operate sales ledger. The factor finances the book debts against bulk either on recourse or without recourse. This sort of factoring became popular with the development of mini-computers market where marketing and credit management was not a problem but the firms needed temporary financial accommodation. Those companies which have good systems of credit administration, but need finances, prefer this form of factoring. MATURITY/ COLLECTION FACTORING: It can be best described as a full service factoring without finance. Because finance is not offered the security requirements of the factor are quite different. The risk lies only in the credit cover provided on the underlying buyers. There is no seller risk. For the same reason there is no finance charge and the factor takes his remuneration only from the commission fee. The factor pays the seller for the A/R in one of two ways: 1. After an agreed period from invoice date, for example 60 days. This is known as the maturity period. The benefit of this method is that the seller knows exactly when he will be paid and so can plan his cash flow accordingly; or 2. On receipt of payment from each buyer or on the insolvency of the buyer provided that the buyer is credit covered. This is known as the pay when paid method. To benefit from this service the seller will have adequate sources of finance elsewhere and is looking to the factor to strengthen a weak administration or m aybe reduce overheads and provide protection. CHANNEL FACTORING: Channel Financing enables clients to discount their receivables on account of supplies made to their dealers within pre-defined limits. Payment is received from the dealer on the due date. It ensures immediate realization of sales proceeds for clients, making it practically a cash sale. On the other hand, the dealer gets credit for a pre decided tenor sanctioned by us, enabling smooth liquidity management .An advance of up-to 95% of the invoice value/ bill value can be provided. Collection of receivables and Maintenance of accounts relating to accounts receivables REVERSE FACTORING: Reverse factoring is the discounting of suppliers bills in respect of the clients regular purchases from them. Only regular suppliers of the client, having a relationship of minimum 6 months, are considered. Advance of up-to 100% of the Invoice value/Bill value can be provided to the supplier. Credit is given of around 120 days Types of factoring solutions provided by HSBC HSBC provides finance solutions for all your sales and purchase requirements on the domestic front, and various export-factoring product services on the international level. Our factoring services offer a comprehensive receivables and payables management solution which includes transaction financing, credit protection, sales ledger administration and payment collection. INTERNATIONAL FACTORING: It includes comprehensive receivable management service encompassing finance, credit protection, collection and sales ledger management for exports on open account terms. An advance up to 95% of the invoice value can be provided. It covers the credit default risk. L/Cs from foreign buyers are not required. There is no recourse on the client. In this there are usually two factors. The export factor looks at financing the exporter and sales administration (presenting invoices at the right time, collecting payments being the key tasks). The import factor is interested in evaluating the buyer, collecting the money on time at the same time ensuring that he is protected against default. It encompasses all the four services, that is, pre-payments, sales ledger administration, credit protection and collections. Step Guide to International Factoring: The importer places the order for purchase of goods with the exporter. The exporter requests the Export Factor for limit approval on the importer. Export Factor in Turn forwards this request to an Import Factor in the Importers country. The Import Factor Evaluates the Importer and conveys its approval to the Export Factor who in turn conveys Commencement of the Factoring arrangement to the Exporter. The exporter delivers the goods to the importer. Exporter produces the documents to the Export Factor. The Export Factor disburses funds to the Exporter upto the prepayment amount decided and at the Same time the forwards the documents to the Import factor and the Importer. On the due date of the invoice, the Importer pays the Import Factor, who in turn remits this Payment to the Export Factor. The Export Factor applies the received funds to the outstanding amount of the advance against The invoice. The exporter receives the balance payment. In the international product suite, apart from the existing export-factoring product, we are now poised to launch import factoring as well. That will make us the first and only Bank offering the entire bouquet of factoring products to customers in India. DOMESTIC FACTORING: Domestic factoring provides funding against invoices raised on customers within India. In addition to this, HSBC also takes care of ledger management. Credit protection is also offered as an optional service feature. Steps to avail Domestic Factoring Field survey of your sales ledgers Credit assessment of your company Setting of Credit limits for each of your customers Signing of factoring agreement between you and HSBC Your customers accept to route all payments through HSBC Post delivery of goods, forward copies of invoices and supporting documents to HSBC You can draw prepayments up to the agreed limit INVOICE FACTORING: Invoice Factoring is an alternate solution to domestic factoring, if you would like to avail financing against your accounts receivables, but would like to continue managing collections. The steps involved are the same, as domestic factoring except you to need not inform your customers about the arrangement with HSBC. Your customers would continue to pay directly to you. HSBC would not be responsible for collections of the proceeds. As soon as your customers make the payments, you would have to remit the payment to HSBC. EXPORT FACTORING: Export factoring provides immediate financing against your export receivables. Financing can be availed in Rupees or in foreign currency. We offer Credit protection for your export receivables. As part of the full service package, we also offer Sales Ledger Management wherein we handle all your ledger administration and collection jobs through our overseas factor partners, to save you, both time and overhead costs. Steps to avail Export Factoring: Field survey of your sales ledgers Credit assessment of your company Setting of Credit limits for each of your overseas customers Signing of factoring agreement between you and HSBC Post shipping of your goods, forward copies of invoices and supporting documents to HSBC You can draw prepayments up to the agreed limit Under HSBCs supervision, an overseas factor partner collects and transfers payments to HSBC FUNCTIONS OF FACTORING: 1. Finance: One of the key elements in the need for additional working capital is the growth in the accounts receivables. In factoring contract the factor agrees 2 pay the seller a substantial proportion of the value of the qualifying accounts receivables as soon as they come into existence. The seller will receive the balance when the factor has collected from the buyer. 2. Accounts receivables ledger administration: The factor takes the sellers buyer accounts onto his books and updates these accounts with all transactions invoices, credit notes, etc. Where appropriate, the factor sends statements to the buyers showing what should be paid to the factor and how this amount is made up. The seller receives regular report on the status of the ledger and so is able to keep fully informed about the performance of his buyers. 3. Collection of the accounts receivables: One of the problems with the open account payment is that there is no automatic means of initiating payment from buyer as one would find with an accepted bill of exchange, for eg. the factors administration system. Therefore, is designed to prompt the buyers for payment systematically by letter and to give the collection staff he necessary information to seek payment from the buyer by telephone when necessary. In cases of serious delay legal action will have to be taken. If an accounts receivables is credit covered, the cost of this legal action will usually be borne by the factor. 4. Credit cover: If the buyer defaults in his payment, the factor will pay the seller normally 100% of the credit covered accounts receivables when: The buyer is insolvent (as defined in the contract). The accounts receivable is (are) 90 days past the due date on the invoice. This period may vary in a domestic contract some factors do not have a guarantee period in their contracts but simply pay if and when the buyer becomes insolvent, as defined in the factoring contract At present credit protection is being offered only for EXPORT deals through Two Factor arrangements. BENEFITS OF FACTORING: Benefits of Factoring 1) Flexible finance enables you to accept new orders with confidence. 2) Available funds can help to give you greater buying power with your suppliers. 3) It helps you avoid the dangers of over-trading. Your funding keeps pace with your sales setting up new limits and reviewing those in place is now quicker and easier 4) Based on sales invoices, additional fixed asset security is not normally required. 5) Protects your profits and cash flow against the ever-present trade credit dangers of bad debt (with pre-approved individual debtor limits). 6) It helps to release additional time and resources (from chasing and processing payments) enabling you to concentrate on your core business activities. 7) Our international factoring correspondents across the globe have country specific knowledge and can correspond with your buyers in their own language. Other Benefits: Collateral Free. Higher pre-payment % ensuring more finance available. Helps the client to take a credit decision on buyer. Generates cash as soon as the delivery of goods is completed. Value added services like collection / ledger management. Reduces the costs of collections. COMPARISON OF BILL DISCOUNTING AND FACTORING BILL DISCOUNTING FACTORING 1. Individual Transaction. 1. Limit Set on turnover basis. This also gives the client the liberty to draw desired finance only. 2. Each bill has to be individually accepted by the drawee. This takes time. 2. A onetime notification is taken from the customer at the commencement of the facility. 3. Stamp duty is charged on certain usance bills together with bank charges. 3. No stamp duty is charged onthe invoices. No charges other than the usual finance and service charge. 4. Grace period for payment is usually 3 days. 4. Grace period of 30 days. 5. Original documents like LR, RR and Bill of Lading are to be submitted. 5.Only copies of such documents are necessary. 6. Charges are normally up front. 6. No upfront charges. Finance charges are levied on only the amount of money withdrawn with monthly rests. BENEFITS OF FACTORING OVER CASH CREDIT CASH CREDIT FACTORING 1. Margin retained on receivables are usually 40-50% 1. Margin usually retained is 15%. 2. Limits computed based on historical data. 2. Limits computed based on projected turnover basis. 3. The client has to submit various statements / stock statements etc to thebank 3. No statement to be given. On the contrary we furnish various reports to both the client and the customer 4. No collection services performed for the clients. 4. One of the functions of the factor is debt collection 5.No Value added services like Sales Ledger Maintenance and Credit Protection provided 5. It provides all these services 6. Collateral security required 6. It is collateral free. SUITABILITY FOR FACTORING SERVICE (HSBC) Open account/Credit Sales. Defined Trade Terms. Ongoing Transaction with established track record. No two way trading. No restriction on Assignment of Debts. The buyer is not a Group/Associated Company. The product is not a capital good. Free from Warranties/Indemnities. CLIENT ELIGIBILITY CRITEREA Minimum Turnover INR 100 M. Positive PAT and TNW for last two years. I.T. Returns have been filed for last 2 years. Not on RBI Defaulters List and HUB Blacklist. The promoters are not on NMAS / MCNF / CIBIL checklist. Gearing less than 4 and Leverage less than 6. Minimum of 5 factorable debtors required for a deal. FACILITY STRUCTURE Parameter Cap Value Minimum Fund in use Limit INR 10 M Maximum Fund in use Limit INR 50 M Maximum Trade Term 120 Days Margin Higher of 15% or 2X historic dilution Concentration % 30% (50% for the first 2 months) Notice of Assignment Required (Prior to disbursement) Letter of Disclaimer Required Turnover through HSBC 100%

Friday, May 8, 2020

Essay about How Kristin Died a Case Study on Public...

Case Study #1 How Kristin Died The case study â€Å"How Kristin Died† exhibits the obvious problems that come from neglect of the bureaucratic system and what types of tragedy can occur, as a result. This particular case ended with the murder of Kristin Lardner and negatively altered the lives of many people involved. However, when the information about the murderer, Michael Cartier, is presented in a timeline, it is obvious that if the bureaucratic systems involved would have take more precautions, this tragedy would have never occurred. January 30, 1992 Michael Cartier and Kristin Lardner meet in a Boston Nightclub. March 1992 Cartier beats and assaults Kristin for the first time. April 16, 1992 Kristin and Cartier’s last date.†¦show more content†¦After being released into his father’s custody and dropping out of high school, Cartier joined a skinhead gang and engaged in multiple criminal charges throughout the state of Massachusetts. His relationships with women would constantly reflect the deviant and violent behavior he displayed towards society. Kristin Lardner Kristin Lardner was a twenty one year old college student studying art in Boston. According to her father, George Lardner Jr., Kristin was a vibrant and free-spirited girl. He says, â€Å"She made life sparkle.† Kristin was always changing her hair color, enjoyed attending nightclubs with friends, was always up for an adventure, and was not hesitant to speak her mind. Despite her father’s description of his happy daughter, Kristins ex-boyfriend, Jason Corkin, says she got easily depressed. Dark and disturbing artwork created by Kristin could be seen displayed around her apartment. Kristin met Michael Cartier at a nightclub and started dating him shortly after. It took a couple months for Cartier to assault her for the first time. Kristin did not contact the police but did reach out to a teacher who she knew worked for an organization that assisted men who had a history with abusing women. Eventually Cartier started getting extremely jealous and acting out irra tionally toward Kristin, while she made excuses for his inappropriate behavior. Kristin went out with Cartier forShow MoreRelatedThe Bureaucratic System Of Public Administration1078 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction â€Å"How Kristin Died† is a prime example of one of the many issues inherent within the bureaucratic system and the misfortunes that can stem from it. This case forever changed the lives of those involved and unfortunately resulted in the death of Kristin Lardner, a 21 year-old college student, at the hands of Michael Cartier, her estranged boyfriend. It is important to public administration because public administration contains many issues of hierarchy and redundancy. Public administration alsoRead MoreKristin Lardners Case Study Essay example5934 Words   |  24 PagesKristin Lardner’s Case Study MPA 5400 Public Administration Theory Abstract There are two main theories in public administration that apply to Kristin Larnder’s case study. They are the bureaucracy theory and the client responsiveness theory. In this paper these theories will be discussed in detail as to how they relate to public administration theory. The internal and external environment relationships of Kristin’s case will also be discussed. Public administration affected this case studyRead More50 Harmful Effects of Genetically Modified (Gm) Foods14312 Words   |  58 Pagesis ever continuing. Yet if you recently ate soya sauce in a Chinese restaurant, munched popcorn in a movie theatre, or indulged in an occasional candy bar - you ve undoubtedly ingested this new type of food. You may have, at the time, known exactly how much salt, fat and carbohydrates were in each of these foods because regulations mandate their labeling for dietary purposes. But you would not know if the bulk of these foods, and literally every cell had been geneti cally altered! In just those threeRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pages E SSAYS ON TWENTIETH-C ENTURY H ISTORY In the series Critical Perspectives on the Past, edited by Susan Porter Benson, Stephen Brier, and Roy Rosenzweig Also in this series: Paula Hamilton and Linda Shopes, eds., Oral History and Public Memories Tiffany Ruby Patterson, Zora Neale Hurston and a History of Southern Life Lisa M. Fine, The Story of Reo Joe: Work, Kin, and Community in Autotown, U.S.A. Van Gosse and Richard Moser, eds., The World the Sixties Made: Politics and CultureRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesOrganizational Behavior Comprehensive Cases Indexes Glindex 637 663 616 623 Contents Preface xxii 1 1 Introduction What Is Organizational Behavior? 3 The Importance of Interpersonal Skills 4 What Managers Do 5 Management Functions 6 †¢ Management Roles 6 †¢ Management Skills 8 †¢ Effective versus Successful Managerial Activities 8 †¢ A Review of the Manager’s Job 9 Enter Organizational Behavior 10 Complementing Intuition with Systematic Study 11 Disciplines That Contribute toRead MoreIncome Taxation Solutions Manual 1 300300 Words   |  1202 PagesCOMPREHENSIVE CASE SOLUTIONS – CHAPTERS 12 - 21 NOTE: The cases related to these solutions are posted on our website They are not printed in the text. Solution to COMPREHENSIVE CASE ONE Seacourt Restaurants All of the issues in this case have been examined in depth in problems and cases of previous chapters and therefore the following solution briefly refers to the main issues of each segment. Where applicable, tax rates are assumed to be: Individual Corporation

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Why Are Teenagers Stressed Free Essays

Why Are Teenagers Stressed? BY Testators Can you trust everything you see or hear now-a-days? The media Is full of constant propaganda, propaganda which brainwashes the minds of young people. Children as young as 3 are already worrying about their appearances, as seen on the television shows such as ‘Toddlers and Tiaras. ‘ I believe the media has a much stronger impact on teenagers than any other age group. We will write a custom essay sample on Why Are Teenagers Stressed? or any similar topic only for you Order Now Everywhere you go, there will always be that â€Å"look,† that celebrities have and that every young person aspires to look like. Teenage girls will go to all extents in order to achieve the media’s perception of a beautiful woman, when in fact few teenagers know that what they are seeing In magazines and on billboards are not In fact real humans, but they are what society has created. When parents think their children are safe at home, they are wrong. Young people’s minds are being filled with poison which is also known as the perfect image. Shows such as ‘Keeping up with the Sardinian,’ Toddlers and Tiaras,’ ‘America’s next top model,’ ‘Jersey Shore,’ and ’16 and Pregnant,’ are giving teenagers the wrong idea that you must be ‘slim, fake, very award, and covered In make-up’ to be considered anything near beautiful. Shows such as these are giving the Impression that you must be a specific way to be successful and/or notorious. This already creates large numbers of very unconcealed women, as they feel they are not ‘beautiful, ‘because they are not covered in make-up. These types of situations create stress for teenagers as they feel they must look a certain way to be deemed beautiful. When asked, 87% of British teenagers claimed to be unhappy with their physiques and 64% of those under 13 had already turned to tenting In order to lose weight as stated by In the Dally Mall Newspaper article. Many teenagers are pressured by their families Into doing well in their GASES_ This makes them feel like they must do well in order to keep their families happy. I can speak from personal experiences when I say that I felt even more pressured because I knew that my family were expecting good grades from me. This creates a large amount of stress for teenagers as they feel they must do well in order to make their families proud and In order to go to university to get a good job. It is said by the majority of the elder generation that going to university means that you will have a better future as you will get a good Job, which entails a larger salary as opposed to someone who did not attend university. This is not necessarily true as people who do not attend university can still manage to get a well-paid Job. Also, family members may expect their child to do a specific profession which the child themselves does not want to do. This means that the teenager Is pushed into schools which allow the best support in he subjects which will open pathways to these careers. This can also create higher levels as stress as teenagers are being forced Into doing a subject they do not wish to do, which makes it more challenging to succeed, thus creating more stress. The teenagers which come from working class families, unfortunately, have it a lot harder than those that come from middle class or upper class families. A working class teenager may be pressured by their families to get a job as soon as possible in order to help out their living situation. This can create stress because distributing enough mime for school and work can not only be exasperating but It can also be difficult. At the case for those which come from working class families. Not only can teenagers be stressed from working, they can also be stressed as they are being put into a situation where money is a problem and they are constantly living under the threat that certain necessities may be cut off due to an outstanding bill payment or something as extreme as being kicked out the house. Society has a large impact on the amount of stress that a teenager has. By society I mean all things surrounding hem, media (as I previously discussed), friends, and the general public. Whether you want to admit it or not, everywhere you go, everything you do, you are always being judged, by everyone. Many people are aware of this whilst others aren’t. The fact that we live in a country where everyone is Judged by the color of their skin, the way they present themselves and by their appearances makes it a more difficult place to fully be accepted. This applies stress to young people as they feel they need to be accepted in society by becoming something that they are now. The factor which disheartens me the most is that in society you are expected to be a specific way In order to be accepted and if you are anything other than ‘perfect,’ you are looked upon as ‘morally wrong. ‘ Which leads me onto my next point, the general public (specifically the older generation) has generalized teenagers as being anti-social and rude when in fact only a minority of teens are actually this. By generalizing an age group based upon a few individuals can make it more challenging for the younger generation to speak their mind and have their voices heard. This also creates stress by making teenagers feel as if they are not important because of what they are depicted as. To sum up, teenagers have many reasons to feel like they have a build-up of stress, but I believe the two main factors are family and education as most of teenagers spend the majority of their time either in school and/or in the presence of their families. This means that they are constantly being told what to do, what to achieve and what is expected of them. Which makes life as a teen more difficult than it needs to be. How to cite Why Are Teenagers Stressed?, Papers

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Nmap scan free essay sample

Completed SYN Stealth Scan at 18:08, 0.23s elapsed (1000 total ports) Initiating Service scan at 18:08 Scanning 3 services on Completed Service scan at 18:08, 6.02s elapsed (3 services on 1 host) Initiating RPCGrind Scan against at 18:08 Completed RPCGrind Scan against at 18:08, 0.00s elapsed (1 port) Initiating OS detection (try #1) against Retrying OS detection (try #2) against Retrying OS detection (try #3) against Retrying OS detection (try #4) against Retrying OS detection (try #5) against NSE: Script scanning NSE: Starting runlevel 1 (of 1) scan. Initiating NSE at 18:08 Completed NSE at 18:08, 0.09s elapsed NSE: Script Scanning completed. Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.00s latency). Not shown: 997 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 5.5p1 Debian 6 (protocol 2.0) | ssh-hostkey: 1024 59:1d:a5:df:cd:1f:af:5c:85:c4:93:55:de:da:4f:c3 (DSA) |_2048 8d:be:1c:cd:be:bd:ac:14:77:0f:c1:91:f1:2f:1b:bd (RSA) 23/tcp open telnet Linux telnetd 111/tcp open rpcbind 2 (rpc #100000) | rpcinfo: | 100000 2 111/udp rpcbind | 100024 1 53389/udp status | 100000 2 111/tcp rpcbind |_100024 1 44778/tcp status MAC Address: 4A:90:54:50:83:22 (Unknown) No exact OS matches for host (If you know what OS is running on it, see http://nmap. We will write a custom essay sample on Nmap scan or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page org/submit/ ). TCP/IP fingerprint: OS:SCAN(V=5.21%D=2/23%OT=22%CT=1%CU=33995%PV=Y%DS=1%DC=D%G=Y%M=4A9054%TM=53 OS:0AA9A6%P=i686-pc-windows-windows)SEQ(SP=C5%GCD=1%ISR=D2%TI=Z%CI=Z%II=I%T OS:S=8)SEQ(SP=C5%GCD=1%ISR=D1%TI=Z%CI=Z%II=I%TS=8)OPS(O1=M5B4ST11NW4%O2=M5B OS:4ST11NW4%O3=M5B4NNT11NW4%O4=M5B4ST11NW4%O5=M5B4ST11NW4%O6=M5B4ST11)WIN(W OS:1=16A0%W2=16A0%W3=16A0%W4=16A0%W5=16A0%W6=16A0)ECN(R=Y%DF=Y%T=40%W=16D0% OS:O=M5B4NNSNW4%CC=Y%Q=)T1(R=Y%DF=Y%T=40%S=O%A=S+%F=AS%RD=0%Q=)T2(R=N)T3(R= OS:Y%DF=Y%T=40%W=16A0%S=O%A=S+%F=AS%O=M5B4ST11NW4%RD=0%Q=)T4(R=Y%DF=Y%T=40% OS:W=0%S=A%A=Z%F=R%O=%RD=0%Q=)T5(R=Y%DF=Y%T=40%W=0%S=Z%A=S+%F=AR%O=%RD=0%Q= OS:)T6(R=Y%DF=Y%T=40%W=0%S=A%A=Z%F=R%O=%RD=0%Q=)T7(R=Y%DF=Y%T=40%W=0%S=Z%A= OS:S+%F=AR%O=%RD=0%Q=)U1(R=Y%DF=N%T=40%IPL=164%UN=0%RIPL=G%RID=G%RIPCK=G%RU OS:CK=G%RUD=G)IE(R=Y%DFI=N%T=40%CD=S) Uptime guess: 0.027 days (since Sun Feb 23 17:29:30 2014) Network Distance: 1 hop TCP Sequence Prediction: Difficulty=197 (Good luck!) IP ID Sequence Generation: All zeros Service Info: OS: Linux HOP RTT ADDRESS 1 0.00 ms Initiating ARP Ping Scan at 18:08 Scanning 253 hosts [1 port/host] Completed ARP Ping Scan at 18:08, 1.97s elapsed (253 total hosts) Nmap scan report for [host down] Skipping SYN Stealth Scan against because Windows does not support scanning your own machine (localhost) this way. Initiating Service scan at 18:08 Skipping OS Scan against because it doesnt work against your own machine (localhost) NSE: Script scanning NSE: Script Scanning completed. Nmap scan report for Host is up. PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 1/tcp unknown tcpmux 3/tcp unknown compressnet 4/tcp unknown unknown 6/tcp unknown unknown 7/tcp unknown echo 9/tcp unknown discard 13/tcp unknown daytime 17/tcp unknown qotd 19/tcp unknown chargen 20/tcp unknown ftp-data 21/tcp unknown ftp 22/tcp unknown ssh 23/tcp unknown telnet 24/tcp unknown priv-mail 25/tcp unknown smtp 26/tcp unknown rsftp 30/tcp unknown unknown 32/tcp unknown unknown 33/tcp unknown dsp 37/tcp unknown time 42/tcp unknown nameserver 43/tcp unknown whois 49/tcp unknown tacacs 53/tcp unknown domain 70/tcp unknown gopher 79/tcp unknown finger 80/tcp unknown http 81/tcp unknown hosts2-ns 82/tcp unknown xfer 83/tcp unknown mit-ml-dev 84/tcp unknown ctf 85/tcp unknown mit-ml-dev 88/tcp unknown kerberos-sec 89/tcp unknown su-mit-tg 90/tcp unknown dnsix 99/tcp unknown metagram 100/tcp unknown newacct 106/tcp unknown pop3pw 109/tcp unknown pop2 110/tcp unknown pop3 111/tcp unknown rpcbind 113/tcp unknown auth 119/tcp unknown nntp 125/tcp unknown locus-map 135/tcp unknown msrpc 139/tcp unknown netbios-ssn 143/tcp unknown imap 144/tcp unknown news 146/tcp unknown iso-tp0 161/tcp unknown snmp 163/tcp unknown cmip-man 179/tcp unknown bgp 199/tcp unknown smux 211/tcp unknown 914c-g 212/tcp unknown anet 222/tcp unknown rsh-spx 254/tcp unknown unknown 255/tcp unknown unknown 256/tcp unknown fw1-secureremote 259/tcp unknown esro-gen 264/tcp unknown bgmp 280/tcp unknown http-mgmt 301/tcp unknown unknown 306/tcp unknown unknown 311/tcp unknown asip-webadmin 340/tcp unknown unknown 366/tcp unknown odmr 389/tcp unknown ldap 406/tcp unknown imsp 407/tcp unknown timbuktu 416/tcp unknown silverplatter 417/tcp unknown onmux 425/tcp unknown icad-el 427/tcp unknown svrloc 443/tcp unknown https 444/tcp unknown snpp 445/tcp unknown microsoft-ds 458/tcp unknown appleqtc 464/tcp unknown kpasswd5 465/tcp unknown smtps 481/tcp unknown dvs 497/tcp unknown retrospect 500/tcp unknown isakmp 512/tcp unknown exec 513/tcp unknown login 514/tcp unknown 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873/tcp unknown rsync 880/tcp unknown unknown 888/tcp unknown accessbuilder 898/tcp unknown sun-manageconsole 900/tcp unknown unknown 901/tcp unknown samba-swat 902/tcp unknown iss-realsecure 903/tcp unknown iss-console-mgr 911/tcp unknown unknown 912/tcp unknown unknown 981/tcp unknown unknown 987/tcp unknown unknown 990/tcp unknown ftps 992/tcp unknown telnets 993/tcp unknown imaps 995/tcp unknown pop3s 999/tcp unknown garcon 1000/tcp unknown cadlock 1001/tcp unknown unknown 1002/tcp unknown windows-icfw 1007/tcp unknown unknown 1009/tcp unknown unknown 1010/tcp unknown unknown 1011/tcp unknown unknown 1021/tcp unknown unknown 1022/tcp unknown unknown 1023/tcp unknown netvenuechat 1024/tcp unknown kdm 1025/tcp unknown NFS-or-IIS 1026/tcp unknown LSA-or-nterm 1027/tcp unknown IIS 1028/tcp unknown unknown 1029/tcp unknown ms-lsa 1030/tcp unknown iad1 1031/tcp unknown iad2 1032/tcp unknown iad3 1033/tcp unknown netinfo 1034/tcp unknown zincite-a 1035/tcp unknown multidropper 1036/tcp 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unknown 2909/tcp unknown unknown 2910/tcp unknown unknown 2920/tcp unknown unknown 2967/tcp unknown symantec-av 2968/tcp unknown unknown 2998/tcp unknown iss-realsec 3000/tcp unknown ppp 3001/tcp unknown nessus 3003/tcp unknown unknown 3005/tcp unknown deslogin 3006/tcp unknown deslogind 3007/tcp unknown unknown 3011/tcp unknown unknown 3013/tcp unknown unknown 3017/tcp unknown unknown 3030/tcp unknown unknown 3031/tcp unknown unknown 3050/tcp unknown unknown 3052/tcp unknown powerchute 3071/tcp unknown unknown 3077/tcp unknown unknown 3128/tcp unknown squid-http 3168/tcp unknown unknown 3211/tcp unknown unknown 3221/tcp unknown unknown 3260/tcp unknown iscsi 3261/tcp unknown unknown 3268/tcp unknown globalcatLDAP 3269/tcp unknown globalcatLDAPssl 3283/tcp unknown netassistant 3300/tcp unknown unknown 3301/tcp unknown unknown 3306/tcp unknown mysql 3322/tcp unknown unknown 3323/tcp unknown unknown 3324/tcp unknown unknown 3325/tcp unknown unknown 3333/tcp unknown dec-notes 3351/tcp 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unknown airport-admin 5030/tcp unknown unknown 5033/tcp unknown unknown 5050/tcp unknown mmcc 5051/tcp unknown ida-agent 5054/tcp unknown unknown 5060/tcp unknown sip 5061/tcp unknown sip-tls 5080/tcp unknown unknown 5087/tcp unknown unknown 5100/tcp unknown admd 5101/tcp unknown admdog 5102/tcp unknown admeng 5120/tcp unknown unknown 5190/tcp unknown aol 5200/tcp unknown unknown 5214/tcp unknown unknown 5221/tcp unknown unknown 5222/tcp unknown unknown 5225/tcp unknown unknown 5226/tcp unknown unknown 5269/tcp unknown unknown 5280/tcp unknown unknown 5298/tcp unknown unknown 5357/tcp unknown unknown 5405/tcp unknown pcduo 5414/tcp unknown unknown 5431/tcp unknown park-agent 5432/tcp unknown postgresql 5440/tcp unknown unknown 5500/tcp unknown hotline 5510/tcp unknown secureidprop 5544/tcp unknown unknown 5550/tcp unknown sdadmind 5555/tcp unknown freeciv 5560/tcp unknown isqlplus 5566/tcp unknown unknown 5631/tcp unknown pcanywheredata 5633/tcp unknown unknown 5666/tcp unknown nrpe 5678/tcp unknown unknown 5679/tcp unknown activesync 5718/tcp unknown unknown 5730/tcp unknown unknown 5800/tcp unknown vnc-http 5801/tcp unknown vnc-http-1 5802/tcp unknown vnc-http-2 5810/tcp unknown unknown 5811/tcp unknown unknown 5815/tcp unknown unknown 5822/tcp unknown unknown 5825/tcp unknown unknown 5850/tcp unknown unknown 5859/tcp unknown unknown 5862/tcp unknown unknown 5877/tcp unknown unknown 5900/tcp unknown vnc 5901/tcp unknown vnc-1 5902/tcp unknown vnc-2 5903/tcp unknown vnc-3 5904/tcp unknown unknown 5906/tcp unknown unknown 5907/tcp unknown unknown 5910/tcp unknown unknown 5911/tcp unknown unknown 5915/tcp unknown unknown 5922/tcp unknown unknown 5925/tcp unknown unknown 5950/tcp unknown unknown 5952/tcp unknown unknown 5959/tcp unknown unknown 5960/tcp unknown unknown 5961/tcp unknown unknown 5962/tcp unknown unknown 5963/tcp unknown unknown 5987/tcp unknown unknown 5988/tcp unknown unknown 5989/tcp unknown unknown 5998/tcp unknown ncd-diag 5999/tcp unknown ncd-conf 6000/tcp unknown X11 6001/tcp unknown X11:1 6002/tcp unknown X11:2 6003/tcp unknown X11:3 6004/tcp unknown X11:4 6005/tcp unknown X11:5 6006/tcp unknown X11:6 6007/tcp unknown X11:7 6009/tcp unknown X11:9 6025/tcp unknown unknown 6059/tcp unknown X11:59 6100/tcp unknown unknown 6101/tcp unknown backupexec 6106/tcp unknown isdninfo 6112/tcp unknown dtspc 6123/tcp unknown unknown 6129/tcp unknown unknown 6156/tcp unknown unknown 6346/tcp unknown gnutella 6389/tcp unknown unknown 6502/tcp unknown netop-rc 6510/tcp unknown unknown 6543/tcp unknown mythtv 6547/tcp unknown powerchuteplus 6565/tcp unknown unknown 6566/tcp unknown unknown 6567/tcp unknown unknown 6580/tcp unknown unknown 6646/tcp unknown unknown 6666/tcp unknown irc 6667/tcp unknown irc 6668/tcp unknown irc 6669/tcp unknown irc 6689/tcp unknown unknown 6692/tcp unknown unknown 6699/tcp unknown napster 6779/tcp unknown unknown 6788/tcp unknown unknown 6789/tcp unknown ibm-db2-admin 6792/tcp unknown unknown 6839/tcp unknown unknown 6881/tcp unknown bittorrent-tracker 6901/tcp unknown unknown 6969/tcp unknown acmsoda 7000/tcp unknown afs3-fileserver 7001/tcp unknown afs3-callback 7002/tcp unknown afs3-prserver 7004/tcp unknown afs3-kaserver 7007/tcp unknown afs3-bos 7019/tcp unknown unknown 7025/tcp unknown unknown 7070/tcp unknown realserver 7100/tcp unknown font-service 7103/tcp unknown unknown 7106/tcp unknown unknown 7200/tcp unknown fodms 7201/tcp unknown dlip 7402/tcp unknown unknown 7435/tcp unknown unknown 7443/tcp unknown unknown 7496/tcp unknown unknown 7512/tcp unknown unknown 7625/tcp unknown unknown 7627/tcp unknown unknown 7676/tcp unknown unknown 7741/tcp unknown unknown 7777/tcp unknown unknown 7778/tcp unknown unknown 7800/tcp unknown unknown 7911/tcp unknown unknown 7920/tcp unknown unknown 7921/tcp unknown unknown 7937/tcp unknown nsrexecd 7938/tcp unknown lgtomapper 7999/tcp unknown unknown 8000/tcp unknown http-alt 8001/tcp unknown unknown 8002/tcp unknown teradataordbms 8007/tcp unknown ajp12 8008/tcp unknown http 8009/tcp unknown ajp13 8010/tcp unknown xmpp 8011/tcp unknown unknown 8021/tcp unknown ftp-proxy 8022/tcp unknown unknown 8031/tcp unknown unknown 8042/tcp unknown unknown 8045/tcp unknown unknown 8080/tcp unknown http-proxy 8081/tcp unknown blackice-icecap 8082/tcp unknown blackice-alerts 8083/tcp unknown unknown 8084/tcp unknown unknown 8085/tcp unknown unknown 8086/tcp unknown unknown 8087/tcp unknown unknown 8088/tcp unknown unknown 8089/tcp unknown unknown 8090/tcp unknown unknown 8093/tcp unknown unknown 8099/tcp unknown unknown 8100/tcp unknown unknown 8180/tcp unknown unknown 8181/tcp unknown unknown 8192/tcp unknown sophos 8193/tcp unknown sophos 8194/tcp unknown sophos 8200/tcp unknown unknown 8222/tcp unknown unknown 8254/tcp unknown unknown 8290/tcp unknown unknown 8291/tcp unknown unknown 8292/tcp unknown unknown 8300/tcp unknown unknown 8333/tcp unknown unknown 8383/tcp unknown unknown 8400/tcp unknown unknown 8402/tcp unknown unknown 8443/tcp unknown https-alt 8500/tcp unknown unknown 8600/tcp unknown unknown 8649/tcp unknown unknown 8651/tcp unknown unknown 8652/tcp unknown unknown 8654/tcp unknown unknown 8701/tcp unknown unknown 8800/tcp unknown unknown 8873/tcp unknown unknown 8888/tcp unknown sun-answerbook 8899/tcp unknown unknown 8994/tcp unknown unknown 9000/tcp unknown cslistener 9001/tcp unknown tor-orport 9002/tcp unknown unknown 9003/tcp unknown unknown 9009/tcp unknown unknown 9010/tcp unknown unknown 9011/tcp unknown unknown 9040/tcp unknown tor-trans 9050/tcp unknown tor-socks 9071/tcp unknown unknown 9080/tcp unknown unknown 9081/tcp unknown unknown 9090/tcp unknown zeus-admin 9091/tcp unknown unknown 9099/tcp unknown unknown 9100/tcp unknown jetdirect 9101/tcp unknown jetdirect 9102/tcp unknown jetdirect 9103/tcp unknown jetdirect 9110/tcp unknown unknown 9111/tcp unknown DragonIDSConsole 9200/tcp unknown wap-wsp 9207/tcp unknown unknown 9220/tcp unknown unknown 9290/tcp unknown unknown 9415/tcp unknown unknown 9418/tcp unknown git 9485/tcp unknown unknown 9500/tcp unknown unknown 9502/tcp unknown unknown 9503/tcp unknown unknown 9535/tcp unknown man 9575/tcp unknown unknown 9593/tcp unknown unknown 9594/tcp unknown msgsys 9595/tcp unknown pds 9618/tcp unknown unknown 9666/tcp unknown unknown 9876/tcp unknown sd 9877/tcp unknown unknown 9878/tcp unknown unknown 9898/tcp unknown unknown 9900/tcp unknown iua 9917/tcp unknown unknown 9943/tcp unknown unknown 9944/tcp unknown unknown 9968/tcp unknown unknown 9998/tcp unknown unknown 9999/tcp unknown abyss 10000/tcp unknown snet-sensor-mgmt 10001/tcp unknown unknown 10002/tcp unknown unknown 10003/tcp unknown unknown 10004/tcp unknown unknown 10009/tcp unknown unknown 10010/tcp unknown unknown 10012/tcp unknown unknown 10024/tcp unknown unknown 10025/tcp unknown unknown 10082/tcp unknown amandaidx 10180/tcp unknown unknown 10215/tcp unknown unknown 10243/tcp unknown unknown 10566/tcp unknown unknown 10616/tcp unknown unknown 10617/tcp unknown unknown 10621/tcp unknown unknown 10626/tcp unknown unknown 10628/tcp unknown unknown 10629/tcp unknown unknown 10778/tcp unknown unknown 11110/tcp unknown unknown 11111/tcp unknown unknown 11967/tcp unknown unknown 12000/tcp unknown cce4x 12174/tcp unknown unknown 12265/tcp unknown unknown 12345/tcp unknown netbus 13456/tcp unknown unknown 13722/tcp unknown netbackup 13782/tcp unknown netbackup 13783/tcp unknown netbackup 14000/tcp unknown unknown 14238/tcp unknown unknown 14441/tcp unknown unknown 14442/tcp unknown unknown 15000/tcp unknown hydap 15002/tcp unknown unknown 15003/tcp unknown unknown 15004/tcp unknown unknown 15660/tcp unknown unknown 15742/tcp unknown unknown 16000/tcp unknown unknown 16001/tcp unknown unknown 16012/tcp unknown unknown 16016/tcp unknown unknown 16018/tcp unknown unknown 16080/tcp unknown osxwebadmin 16113/tcp unknown unknown 16992/tcp unknown unknown 16993/tcp unknown unknown 17877/tcp unknown unknown 17988/tcp unknown unknown 18040/tcp unknown unknown 18101/tcp unknown unknown 18988/tcp unknown unknown 19101/tcp unknown unknown 19283/tcp unknown unknown 19315/tcp unknown unknown 19350/tcp unknown unknown 19780/tcp unknown unknown 19801/tcp unknown unknown 19842/tcp unknown unknown 20000/tcp unknown unknown 20005/tcp unknown btx 20031/tcp unknown unknown 20221/tcp unknown unknown 20222/tcp unknown unknown 20828/tcp unknown unknown 21571/tcp unknown unknown 22939/tcp unknown unknown 23502/tcp unknown unknown 24444/tcp unknown unknown 24800/tcp unknown unknown 25734/tcp unknown unknown 25735/tcp unknown unknown 26214/tcp unknown unknown 27000/tcp unknown flexlm0 27352/tcp unknown unknown 27353/tcp unknown unknown 27355/tcp unknown unknown 27356/tcp unknown unknown 27715/tcp unknown unknown 28201/tcp unknown unknown 30000/tcp unknown unknown 30718/tcp unknown unknown 30951/tcp unknown unknown 31038/tcp unknown unknown 31337/tcp unknown Elite 32768/tcp unknown unknown 32769/tcp unknown unknown 32770/tcp unknown sometimes-rpc3 32771/tcp unknown sometimes-rpc5 32772/tcp unknown sometimes-rpc7 32773/tcp unknown sometimes-rpc9 32774/tcp unknown sometimes-rpc11 32775/tcp unknown sometimes-rpc13 32776/tcp unknown sometimes-rpc15 32777/tcp unknown sometimes-rpc17 32778/tcp unknown sometimes-rpc19 32779/tcp unknown sometimes-rpc21 32780/tcp unknown sometimes-rpc23 32781/tcp unknown unknown 32782/tcp unknown unknown 32783/tcp unknown unknown 32784/tcp unknown unknown 32785/tcp unknown unknown 33354/tcp unknown unknown 33899/tcp unknown unknown 34571/tcp unknown unknown 34572/tcp unknown unknown 34573/tcp unknown unknown 35500/tcp unknown unknown 38292/tcp unknown landesk-cba 40193/tcp unknown unknown 40911/tcp unknown unknown 41511/tcp unknown unknown 42510/tcp unknown unknown 44176/tcp unknown unknown 44442/tcp unknown coldfusion-auth 44443/tcp unknown coldfusion-auth 44501/tcp unknown unknown 45100/tcp unknown unknown 48080/tcp unknown unknown 49152/tcp unknown unknown 49153/tcp unknown unknown 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135/tcp on Discovered open port 22/tcp on Discovered open port 22/tcp on Discovered open port 22/tcp on Discovered open port 8000/tcp on Discovered open port 8089/tcp on Completed SYN Stealth Scan against in 0.97s (3 hosts left) Completed SYN Stealth Scan against in 0.97s (2 hosts left) Completed SYN Stealth Scan against in 1.00s (1 host left) Completed SYN Stealth Scan at 18:08, 1.00s elapsed (4000 total ports) Initiating Service scan at 18:08 Scanning 16 services on 4 hosts Completed Service scan at 18:09, 24.70s elapsed (16 services on 4 hosts) Initiating RPCGrind Scan against at 18:09 Completed RPCGrind Scan against at 18:09, 0.00s elapsed (1 port) Initiating OS detection (try #1) against 4 hosts Retrying OS detection (try #2) against 2 hosts NSE: Script scanning 4 hosts. NSE: Starting runlevel 1 (of 1) scan. Initiating NSE at 18:09 Completed NSE at 18:09, 22.22s elapsed NSE: Script Scanning completed. Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.00028s latency). Not shown: 995 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 21/tcp open ftp ProFTPD 1.3.3d 22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 5.3p1 Debian 3ubuntu7 (protocol 2.0) | ssh-hostkey: 1024 3a:ae:68:d5:9c:2d:85:13:e0:91:68:19:fc:1c:0b:24 (DSA) |_2048 b7:c1:b8:89:20:ed:f5:24:4a:db:c9:c1:bb:b8:4d:f0 (RSA) 80/tcp open http Apache httpd 2.2.17 ((Unix) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.17 OpenSSL/1.0.0c PHP/5.3.5 mod_apreq2-20090110/2.7.1 mod_perl/2.0.4 Perl/v5.10.1) |_http-favicon: Unknown favicon MD5: 6EB4A43CB64C97F76562AF703893C8FD | html-title: Object not found! |_Requested resource was 443/tcp open ssl/http Apache httpd 2.2.17 ((Unix) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.17 OpenSSL/1.0.0c PHP/5.3.5 mod_apreq2-20090110/2.7.1 mod_perl/2.0.4 Perl/v5.10.1) |_sslv2: server still supports SSLv2 | html-title: Object not found! |_Requested resource was |_http-favicon: Unknown favicon MD5: 6EB4A43CB64C97F76562AF703893C8FD 3306/tcp open mysql MySQL (unauthorized) MAC Address: B6:E7:FE:D6:AD:17 (Unknown) Device type: general purpose Running: Linux 2.6.X OS details: Linux 2.6.17 2.6.31 Uptime guess: 0.029 days (since Sun Feb 23 17:28:36 2014) Network Distance: 1 hop TCP Sequence Prediction: Difficulty=195 (Good luck!) IP ID Sequence Generation: All zeros Service Info: OSs: Unix, Linux HOP RTT ADDRESS 1 0.28 ms Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.72s latency). Not shown: 993 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 21/tcp open ftp FileZilla ftpd 0.9.39 beta 135/tcp open msrpc Microsoft Windows RPC 445/tcp open microsoft-ds Microsoft Windows 2003 or 2008 microsoft-ds 1025/tcp open msrpc Microsoft Windows RPC 3389/tcp open microsoft-rdp Microsoft Terminal Service 8000/tcp open http CherryPy httpd 3.1.2 | html-title: Site doesnt have a title (text/html;charset=utf-8). |_Requested resource was 8089/tcp open ssl/http Splunkd httpd |_sslv2: server still supports SSLv2 |_html-title: Site doesnt have a title (text/html; charset=utf-8). MAC Address: 72:88:A0:27:02:40 (Unknown) Device type: general purpose|media device|PDA Running (JUST GUESSING) : Microsoft Windows 2003|2000|XP|PocketPC/CE (98%), ATT Windows PocketPC/CE (91%), Motorola Windows PocketPC/CE (91%), Swisscom embedded (91%), T-Home embedded (91%), Microsoft embedded (90%), Fujitsu Siemens Windows PocketPC/CE (89%) Aggressive OS guesses: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 SP2 (98%), Microsoft Windows Server 2003 SP1 or SP2 (96%), Microsoft Windows Server 2003 SP1 (96%), Microsoft Windows 2000 or Server 2003 SP1 (95%), Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 SP1 (94%), Microsoft Windows XP SP3 (92%), Microsoft Windows Server 2003 SP0 (92%), ATT U-Verse or Motorola VIP1200-series digital set top box (Windows CE 5.0) (91%), Swisscom BlueWin TV set top box (91%), T-Home X 300T or X301T Media Receiver set top box (91%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). Network Distance: 1 hop TCP Sequence Prediction: Difficulty=239 (Good luck!) IP ID Sequence Generation: Incremental Service Info: OS: Windows Host script results: |_smbv2-enabled: Server doesnt support SMBv2 protocol | smb-os-discovery: | OS: Windows Server 2003 3790 Service Pack 2 (Windows Server 2003 5.2) | Name: WORKGROUP\BASE-LAB-TG01 |_ System time: 2014-02-23 18:09:27 UTC-8 HOP RTT ADDRESS 1 722.00 ms Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.00040s latency). Not shown: 999 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 5.3p1 Debian 3ubuntu7 (protocol 2.0) | ssh-hostkey: 1024 3a:ae:68:d5:9c:2d:85:13:e0:91:68:19:fc:1c:0b:24 (DSA) |_2048 b7:c1:b8:89:20:ed:f5:24:4a:db:c9:c1:bb:b8:4d:f0 (RSA) MAC Address: 8A:FB:B6:B9:25:47 (Unknown) Device type: general purpose Running: Linux 2.6.X OS details: Linux 2.6.17 2.6.31 Uptime guess: 0.027 days (since Sun Feb 23 17:30:49 2014) Network Distance: 1 hop TCP Sequence Prediction: Difficulty=199 (Good luck!) IP ID Sequence Generation: All zeros Service Info: OS: Linux HOP RTT ADDRESS 1 0.40 ms Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.67s latency). Not shown: 997 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 5.5p1 Debian 6 (protocol 2.0) | ssh-hostkey: 1024 59:1d:a5:df:cd:1f:af:5c:85:c4:93:55:de:da:4f:c3 (DSA) |_2048 8d:be:1c:cd:be:bd:ac:14:77:0f:c1:91:f1:2f:1b:bd (RSA) 23/tcp open telnet Linux telnetd 111/tcp open rpcbind 2 (rpc #100000) | rpcinfo: | 100000 2 111/udp rpcbind | 100024 1 53389/udp status | 100000 2 111/tcp rpcbind |_100024 1 44778/tcp status MAC Address: 4A:90:54:50:83:22 (Unknown) Device type: general purpose|WAP|webcam|broadband router|media device Running (JUST GUESSING) : Linux 2.6.X|2.4.X (97%), Gemtek embedded (93%), Siemens embedded (93%), AXIS embedded (93%), AXIS Linux 2.6.X (92%), Aastra embedded (92%), Chumby embedded (92%) Aggressive OS guesses: Linux 2.6.13 2.6.28 (97%), Linux 2.6.17 2.6.31 (96%), Linux 2.4.20 (Red Hat 7.2) (96%), Linux 2.6.22 2.6.23 (96%), Linux 2.6.23 (94%), Linux 2.6.9 2.6.28 (94%), Linux 2.6.19 2.6.31 (93%), Linux 2.6.24 2.6.31 (93%), DD-WRT v23 v24 (Linux 2.4.20 2.4.37) (93%), Linux 2.6.15 2.6.16 (93%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). Uptime guess: 0.028 days (since Sun Feb 23 17:29:21 2014) Network Distance: 1 hop TCP Sequence Prediction: Difficulty=196 (Good luck!) IP ID Sequence Generation: All zeros Service Info: OS: Linux HOP RTT ADDRESS 1 671.35 ms Read data files from: C:\Program Files\Nmap OS and Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at . Nmap done: 256 IP addresses (6 hosts up) scanned in 88.47 seconds Raw packets sent: 5709 (258.470KB) | Rcvd: 5173 (214.506KB)