Friday, May 8, 2020

Essay about How Kristin Died a Case Study on Public...

Case Study #1 How Kristin Died The case study â€Å"How Kristin Died† exhibits the obvious problems that come from neglect of the bureaucratic system and what types of tragedy can occur, as a result. This particular case ended with the murder of Kristin Lardner and negatively altered the lives of many people involved. However, when the information about the murderer, Michael Cartier, is presented in a timeline, it is obvious that if the bureaucratic systems involved would have take more precautions, this tragedy would have never occurred. January 30, 1992 Michael Cartier and Kristin Lardner meet in a Boston Nightclub. March 1992 Cartier beats and assaults Kristin for the first time. April 16, 1992 Kristin and Cartier’s last date.†¦show more content†¦After being released into his father’s custody and dropping out of high school, Cartier joined a skinhead gang and engaged in multiple criminal charges throughout the state of Massachusetts. His relationships with women would constantly reflect the deviant and violent behavior he displayed towards society. Kristin Lardner Kristin Lardner was a twenty one year old college student studying art in Boston. According to her father, George Lardner Jr., Kristin was a vibrant and free-spirited girl. He says, â€Å"She made life sparkle.† Kristin was always changing her hair color, enjoyed attending nightclubs with friends, was always up for an adventure, and was not hesitant to speak her mind. Despite her father’s description of his happy daughter, Kristins ex-boyfriend, Jason Corkin, says she got easily depressed. Dark and disturbing artwork created by Kristin could be seen displayed around her apartment. Kristin met Michael Cartier at a nightclub and started dating him shortly after. It took a couple months for Cartier to assault her for the first time. Kristin did not contact the police but did reach out to a teacher who she knew worked for an organization that assisted men who had a history with abusing women. Eventually Cartier started getting extremely jealous and acting out irra tionally toward Kristin, while she made excuses for his inappropriate behavior. Kristin went out with Cartier forShow MoreRelatedThe Bureaucratic System Of Public Administration1078 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction â€Å"How Kristin Died† is a prime example of one of the many issues inherent within the bureaucratic system and the misfortunes that can stem from it. This case forever changed the lives of those involved and unfortunately resulted in the death of Kristin Lardner, a 21 year-old college student, at the hands of Michael Cartier, her estranged boyfriend. It is important to public administration because public administration contains many issues of hierarchy and redundancy. 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